On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 3:02 PM, Richard (Abe) Coughlin <ra...@hawaii.edu>wrote:

>  Thanks all for the responses -- my question was well answered. And I'm
> learning to explain myself more and more each time I post.
> The key point regarding database-driven styling I was seeking was: how to
> have colors, thicknesses etc set up in the database so as to improve speed
> of updating styles and creating new styles and minimizing the SLD file.
> Miles answered this specifically. Possibly the SLD Cookbook could explain
> that the ogc:PropertyName can be used for more than just the name of the
> attribute.
It actually doesn't, yet, that I could find.  But it's pretty straight
forward, most parameters (all CssParameters for sure) can take an
ogc:expression.  Which gives you the flexibility to put in property names,
filter functions, etc.  For a more advanced example see
This is client supplying the values, but you can see that the
WellKnownNameand the Fill have more complex expressions in them.
Those also could be
ogc:PropertyNames, afaik.


Taking this a step further, the ogc:Property Name reflects a column in the
> table with the geometry that we are serving - is there a way to reference a
> separate table (ie a lookup table), maybe through some incorporated CQL.
> Other than creating a view. Or would you advise me that the database
> processing time would be considerably greater than the speed to look up the
> sld or css?
> Thanks, Abe.
> PacIOOS.
> On 2/4/2011 5:12 AM, David Winslow wrote:
> The link you found is to the "old wiki" where GeoServer documentation used
> to be maintained.  For over a year the GeoServer documentation has been
> maintained in the manual hosted at http://docs.geoserver.org/ and the old
> wiki has been used a bit for development, but the documentation there has
> not been kept up-to-date.  This week we finally hid the old wiki from the
> web so that search engines can stop directing users to the information there
> which, at this point, is usually suboptimal or just plain wrong. (it is
> still available to the GeoServer developers in case of specific documents
> that still need to be migrated to the new system.)
>  In this case, the new documentation has nice examples of data-driven
> styling complete with sample data and downloadable SLDs so you can try at
> home.  Take a look at the "SLD Cookbook" section of the manual:
> http://docs.geoserver.org/stable/en/user/styling/sld-cookbook/index.html
>  For each geometry type (point/polygon/line) there is a section at the end
> of the page demonstrating a simple data-driven style.
>  Hope this helps.
>  --
> David Winslow
>  OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org/
> On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 9:31 PM, Miles Jordan <miles.jor...@aad.gov.au>wrote:
>> Miles Jordan wrote:
>> > Richard (Abe) Coughlin wrote:
>> >> I've seen a few references to a link regarding database-driven styling,
>> >> but when I click on any of them they send me to the geoserver home
>> page.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> See http://geoserver.org/display/GEOSDOC/SLD+Snippets (the link).
>> >>
>> >> A reference to this link
>> >>
>> >> http://getsatisfaction.com/opengeo/topics/database_driven_styling_what
>> >> _am_i_doing_wrong.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> I guess the link has been moved or similar. Can anyone tell me where
>> >> it is or if you saved/copied/printed it, can you send it to me.
>> >
>> > Not sure where that information is exactly now (pretty sure it is
>> > somewhere) but you can get the whole page from google's cache if you
>> > need to: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:1-
>> > sAaDyNW60J:geoserver.org/display/GEOSDOC/SLD%2BSnippets+sld+snippets+g
>> > eoserver&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=au&source=www.google.com.au
>> >
>> > The basic idea is that you can substitute styling attributes with values
>> > from your feature type, as in the example from the page: .
>>  As I was saying before my last message magically sent...
>> ...
>> <PolygonSymbolizer>
>> <Fill>
>>  <CssParameter
>> name="fill"><ogc:PropertyName>income_color</ogc:PropertyName></CssParameter>
>>  <CssParameter name="fill-opacity">0.5</CssParameter>
>> </Fill>
>> <Stroke>
>>  <CssParameter
>> name="stroke"><ogc:PropertyName>income_color</ogc:PropertyName></CssParameter>
>>  <CssParameter name="stroke-width">1</CssParameter>
>> </Stroke>
>> </PolygonSymbolizer>
>> ...
>> Where the value inside of the PropertyName element is the name of your
>> feature attribute, or table column.
>> Regards,
>> Miles
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