Here is Shaw's original email.

(Please keep discussions on-list)

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-users] App-Schemas and Feature Chaining
Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2011 18:12:50 +0800
From: Shaw Innes <>
To: Caradoc-Davies, Ben (CESRE, Kensington) <>

Hi Ben,
Thanks for the quick response. I realised that might make some difference so I changed my database schema to be all lower case - which brought me to some new errors - I've attached my config files which were in my "complex" data store. I've been trying to use the web GUI to configure these but it seems that maybe manually is safer.

When I have this configuration in place my mapserver will no longer startup. I don't see anything in the logs though so I'm going to look into increasing the logging level.

I don't suppose you could point me in the direction of a really simple example using PostGIS as a datasource to create a "simple" app schema? Once I can get a basic one working I'm sure I can extend it easily enough

Thanks again


Ben Caradoc-Davies <>
Software Engineering Team Leader
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
Australian Resources Research Centre

Attachment: complex.xml
Description: XML document

Attachment: complex.xsd
Description: Binary data

Attachment: datastore.xml
Description: XML document

Attachment: featuretype.xml
Description: XML document

On 03/03/2011, at 5:26 PM, Ben Caradoc-Davies wrote:

> Shaw,
> PostGIS maps all unquoted identifiers to lowercase. You must call your table 
> "locality" (without the quotes) in your mapping if your table is really 
> called "locality". Please use pgadmin3 or psql \dt to confirm your table 
> name, as the mapping file is case-sensitive.
> app-schema supports one-to-many mapping, either via feature chaining or via 
> multi-valued simple properties (you could use a denormalised view to deliver 
> these).
> Kind regards,
> Ben.
> On 03/03/11 14:19, Shaw Innes wrote:
>> Hi,
>>   I have been trying to work out the best way to represent some relational 
>> data in WFS.  Initially it seemed simple to just flatten the data, however I 
>> now have a requirement to represent a number of multi-select values in my 
>> structure.
>>   I have the following data model represented in PostGIS:
>> A locality table containing my geometry, a point feature
>>  ID                   | integer                |
>>  NewID                | integer                |
>>  Code                 | integer                |
>>  Category             | character varying(100) |
>>  Name                 | character varying(100) |
>>  State                | character varying(100) |
>>  Status               | character varying(100) |
>>  PostCode             | character varying(100) |
>>  TheGeom              | geometry               |
>> and an attributes table:
>>  LocalityID            | integer                |
>>  Type                | character varying(100) |
>>  Value               | character varying(100) |
>>  Description         | character varying(100) |
>> The two tables are joined on the Locality.ID to Attributes.LocalityID in a 1 
>> to Many relationship.
>> I would like to use app schemas to allow searching for localities based on 
>> spatial query (BBOX etc) and attributes also.
>> I have tried to piece together some mappings using GeoSever 2.1RC1 but I 
>> can't seem to get it to work.
>> in my mapping XML file I have the following:
>> <typeMappings>
>>     <FeatureTypeMapping>
>>         <sourceDataStore>datastore</sourceDataStore>
>>         <sourceType>Locality</sourceType>
>>     </FeatureTypeMapping>
>> </typeMappings>
>> But when I try to save the data store definition in Geoserver it tells me:
>> Feature type Locality not found. Has the data access been registered in 
>> DataAccessRegistry? Available: []
>> My questions are basically:
>> 1. is App Schema the right way to do this?
>> 2. can I perform a 1:m join using feature type mappings?
>> 3. can I do this using PostGIS data sources?
>> Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
>> Thanks
>> Shaw
> -- 
> Ben Caradoc-Davies <>
> Software Engineering Team Leader
> CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
> Australian Resources Research Centre

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