Dear Andrea,

It looks like the issue with null geometries coming back has been fixed in
the lastest nightly, this was the

"Could not find element handler for null as a
child of MultiPolygonPropertyType." problem. This is a relief, thanks!

However, uDig still times out when requesting large WFS datasets. Fiddler
shows the data coming back just fine as gzip compressed. Would the gzip
compression slow down the initial response to the request? The docs state
that WFS runs in "Full Streaming Mode" by default, I would imagine that this
means that the data should start coming back immediately? We are using a
PostGIS server on a Windows 2008 Server, IIS7, but I turned off the IIS7
compression. Perhaps it is the fetch from PostGIS?

Roger Bedell
Coordinate Solutions Inc.

On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 1:55 PM, Roger Bedell <> wrote:

> Some more information about the WFS SocketTimeout. (read timeout) we've
> been seeing:
> This appears to be something newish, definitely not a good thing, plus very
> hard to reproduce or characterize.  I have two mostly identical servers, one
> with the latest nightly of 2.1.x, and the other with 1.7.6, both hitting the
> same PostGIS database on another machine over the same network. The 2.1.x
> machine is actually a faster machine with more RAM.
> Using a recent uDig, (1.2.1), I set up a map with a variety of WFS layers,
> some large, some small. The 1.7.6 always (well mostly, except after long
> periods of inactivity when it gets connection timeouts) works fine, never
> any read timeouts. The 2.1.x gets these timeouts on random layers, sometimes
> works fine, sometimes fails. What is interesting, is that the timeout occurs
> fairly quickly, within about 6 seconds after I hit refresh. It doesn't seem
> to matter the size of the layer, small ones seem to time out will similar
> frequency to large ones.
> I'm not seeing anything strange in the geoserver log, no errors.
> This is really weird, and I don't have any clue how to proceed to fix it.
> Anyone have any ideas on what to try? Any way to increase the read timeout
> value?
> Update - I turned on Loose BBox and Estimated Extends, and it seems to be a
> little better. What is "Estimated Extends" anyway?
> However, now I'm seeing this error in uDig: (again, inconsistently, and no
> errors...):
> "Could not find element handler for null as a
> child of MultiPolygonPropertyType."
> Attached is a uDig project that should show the issue.
> Perhaps it isn't sending everything back right?
> Any ideas on how to debug this? Or things to try?
> Roger
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