On 03/21/2011 09:16 AM, Arne Kepp wrote:
> Not sure about the intermittent slowdowns,

That could suggest some swapping taking place (hence slowing it down) until the 
memory load relents and no swapping is needed any more... unless it drops 
requests, freeing up resources.

> but in general it is not that
> simple. mod_proxy doubles the number of threads*, and the number of
> TCP/IP connections needed.

Hmm... I supposed the HTTPd ran on a different server than the one hosting 
GWC/GeoServer, hence the additional load should not fall on the latter.

> Last time I checked GWC throughput peaked
> somewhere between 2000 or 4000 simultaneous threads (against a realistic
> set of clients, a mixture of slow and fast, not gigabit ethernet clients).

Meaning some connections were longer-lived, hence heavier on resources, both on 
HTTPd and GWC/GeoServer.

> At that point the additional TCP/IP connections + threads in Apache are
> not neglible anymore.

Indeed: I stand corrected.

By the way, when the load is expected to be heavy, I would push GWC to the edge 
the network, de-copupling it from GeoServer and putting it on the front-end 
(HTTPd) server, where any static content should be.


Luca Morandini

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