I'd suggest you use Google Earth 5 (not 6) for your testing.

Maybe create a layer based on a view and restrict the view initially to say
10% of the points? - and then if that works, make the view less restrictive
a bit at a time.

On Sat, Apr 16, 2011 at 12:27 AM, Gis Mage <gism...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Yes, I've tried to set  "Features Per Regionated Tile" to 10, 20, 50, 100 -
> no result.
> I don't see any difference and I don't see any features either.
> Any clues?
> 2011/4/15 Gabriel Roldán <grol...@opengeo.org>
>> I really don't have the answer, not an expert with the KML service, but
>> have you tried setting that "Features Per Regionated Tile" field to some
>> value?
>> >From your message I get you just leave it blank, which may mean GE is
>> trying to load the whole dataset at once and is running out of
>> resources?
>> 2c
>> gabriel
>> On Thu, 2011-04-14 at 19:53 +0400, Gis Mage wrote:
>> > Hello list!
>> >
>> >
>> > I'm trying to serve a huge dataset of buildings with elevation values
>> > for a large city.
>> > I've got a shapefile - about 60 megabytes of polygons with z-values
>> > and I'm serving it with geoserver and the client application is Google
>> > Earth.
>> > So the strategy is to make the client download this dataset partially
>> > on demand, depending on the bbox, which the user is currently at.
>> > I've read all the docs about serving kml with geoserver, so I guess I
>> > have to configure a superoverlay strategy for my published layer.
>> > So in layer page of the gui I set "Default Regionating Attribute" to
>> > "id" and "Default Regionating Method" to "external sorting" and I also
>> > leave the field "Features Per Regionated Tile" blank because I really
>> > don't know the size of the tile and how many features should be there.
>> > Then I start Google Earth and add a network link like this:
>> >
>> http://gissrv:8080/geoserver/wms/reflect?layers=uno:allhouse&format=application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml&mode=superoverlay
>> >
>> >
>> > Then nothing happens - I wait for hours, zoom in and out, GE eats
>> > about 1GB of RAM, but I don't see any buildings - just an indicator
>> > that it's loading forever.
>> > When I try to serve a smaller amount of data - just one clipped
>> > district, it loads in one piece and shows up wonderful - all the
>> > buildings, extruded by their z-values with attributes in popups.
>> > But I need to serve the whole dataset.
>> >
>> >
>> > Am I doing something wrong here? Maybe I have to configure something
>> > else?
>> > Please help me out. I've tried lot's of variants and I can't even
>> > figure out is superoverlay strategy working or not.
>> >
>> >
>> > Thanks
>> >
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>> grol...@opengeo.org
>> Expert service straight from the developers
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