Hi list,

Thank you for reading my post.

I have downloaded GeoServer WAR file.
"http://localhost:8080/geoserver/"; works well.

I am using a PostGIS database D with two tables T1 and T2.

With the GeoServer Web client administration tool
(http://localhost:8080/geoserver/) :
(STEP 1)
- I have created a store S "coupled with" D.
- I have added two layers L1 and L2 respectively "coupled with" T1 and T2.
- I have created a layers group G containing the two layers L1 and L2.

(STEP 2)
I have clicked "Layer Preview" and then I have chosen "OpenLayers" for G:
it works well.

My question is the following:
I want to do STEP 1 programmatically (in Java).
What JAR files do I have to use/add to my (Eclipse) project?
What classes, interfaces... will allow me to do STEP 1?
Can you advise me a tutorial, code example or a book?

Thank you.

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