Hello all,
We are embarking on a kayaking trip in the area north east of Quebec City.  We 
will need some fairly detailed topo maps for a few small regions in that area 
once we arrive.  The Canadian Gov't provides a topo WMS service with great 
looking maps.  But we won't have an internet connection when we are driving 
around that area trying to find the destination rivers.  So this is what I'm 
thinking about doing:
-Setting up GeoServer on my lap top-Adding the govt' external WMS server as an 
external WMS Server in GeoServer-Creating a tile seed using GeoWebCache (again, 
we only need a few small areas at maybe three zoom scales)
Then I plan to take the laptop with me and fire up GeoServer in the car.  We 
won't have an internet connection at that point.  Then I'd like to view the 
cached tiles via the layer preview with the OpenLayers interface.  Is that 
possible?   Will the OpenLayers preview still display the cached tiles when I'm 
disconnected the external WMS?  If not the preview, a seperate OpenLayers 
interface that points at the tiles?
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