
I am testing the great new wms cascading abilities of geoserver.

When I create the store and preview the layer, it reports that it is not 
queryable although it actually is!

here is a snippet from the getCapabilities doc

<Layer queryable="1" opaque="1" noSubsets="0">
        <Title>BUEK500 - Bodenübersichtskarte Flächen</Title>
        <LatLonBoundingBox minx="6.57135607" miny="51.27175118" 
maxx="11.65043097" maxy="53.93899632" />
        <BoundingBox SRS="EPSG:31466" minx="2537562.1159386975" 
miny="5682038.4736147048" maxx="2894227.0465241768" maxy="5993495.7354477011" />
        <BoundingBox SRS="EPSG:31467" minx="3330595.7326191347" 
miny="5684683.97291231" maxx="3685022.9483316471" maxy="5981943.8042679783" />
        <BoundingBox SRS="EPSG:31468" minx="4121379.1997011788" 
miny="5681935.5456114141" maxx="4477146.8180186" maxy="5992349.2944493871" />
          <Title>BUEK500 - Bodenübersichtskarte Flächen</Title>
          <LegendURL width="1380" height="1645">

and here is my layer preview 


Can I do anything about this?


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