
Looks like both layers are there but you can see just one.  Perhaps the vector 
layer is under the DEM? Or then the drawing style may be something invisible. 
How does the SLD look like?

-Jukka Rahkonen-

 Gunnlaugur Einarsson  wrote:
Hello List,

I want to create a single WMS service (map) from a differnet data sources. 
using a layer group. One is a DEM and the other is outlines of glaciers. When I 
preivew the layers using open layers only the dem renders, but information is 
retrieved from the vectors (see attched). In the KML both layers render.

Do you have any idea how to solve this?

Best Regards

Gunnlaugur M. Einarsson
Landupplýsingar / Geographic Information
Landfræðingur / Geographer
Beinn sími / Direct: +354 528 1555
Farsími / Mobile: +354 868 2581

Íslenskar orkurannsóknir / Iceland GeoSurvey
Grensásvegur 9, 108 Reykjavík
Sími / Tel: +354 528 1500
Fax: +354 528 1699

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