From the Ministry of Using Sledgehammers to Crack Nuts:

Nagios is a popular service monitoring system:

We use Nagios. It is completely configurable and rather full-featured. 
Terrifyingly full-featured, in fact.

What you want to do is this:

The gotcha with GeoServer is that a failed WFS request with an OWS 
exception comes back with an HTTP 200 OK. This can happen if GeoServer 
loses its connection to the database backend. (You'll in general only 
get a 503 when tomcat gets stuck or can't load GeoServer.) Search the 
developer list for "HTTP" for the long version. The Nagios solution is 
to use a regular expression test on a WFS response, looking for an 
expected FeatureCollection. From our custom-commands.cfg:

# 'check_http_url_regex' command definition
define command{
         command_name    check_http_url_regex
         command_line    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_http -H 
$HOSTADDRESS$ -u "$ARG1$" -r "$ARG2$" -e 200


And then we can use this in a service definition to check that we 
actually get a FeatureCollection in the response:

define service {
         hostgroup_name                  ourhostname
         service_description             Our GeoServer WFS


If you do not have a Unix box to do the monitoring (and robust 
monitoring should be on a separate host!), you might be able to use 
Nagwin, the Windows distribution (I have not used Nagwin).

I am sure there are easier ways of shallowly monitoring a single windows 
service. If you want an enterprise-ready solution, consider Nagios.

Kind regards,

On 26/10/11 00:59, Jonathan Harahush wrote:
> My apologies in advance – I’m not a sysadmin, so my question might be very 
> basic.  Every so often, my instance of Geoserver will stop working and I’ll 
> get a 503 error.  Restarting Tomcat fixes the issue and usually it happens 
> because of memory issues, according to the log file.  This is on Windows 
> Server 2008.  Is there an easy way to set up an alert from the server so that 
> I can receive an e-mail when this problem occurs?
> Thanks,
> Jonathan Harahush | GIS Specialist | Administration&  Finance
> Direct 303-480-6746 | Fax 303-480-6790 | E-mail
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Ben Caradoc-Davies <>
Software Engineer
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
Australian Resources Research Centre

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