On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 2:12 PM, Andy Berry <andy.be...@wrexham.gov.uk> wrote:
> I am trying to display lines with specific attributes contained in a  field
> The field (from Mapinfo) contains for example Pen(4, 2, 16711935)
> I will need to convert the 3rd number to a hex colour and the first to the
> line thickness
> So far I have
>        <LineSymbolizer>
>                 <Stroke>
>                                 <CssParameter name="stroke">
>                                 #FF0000
>                                 </CssParameter>
>                                 <CssParameter name="stroke-width">
>                                 <ogc:Function name="strSubstring">
> <ogc:PropertyName>MI_STYLE</ogc:PropertyName>
> <ogc:Literal>5</ogc:Literal>
> <ogc:Function name="strIndexOf">
>                 <ogc:PropertyName>MI_STYLE</ogc:PropertyName>
> <ogc:Literal>,</ogc:Literal>
> </ogc:Function>
>                                 </ogc:Function>
>                                 </CssParameter>
>                 </Stroke>
>        </LineSymbolizer>
> The difficulty is working out how to convert the number 1671168 to the hex
> colour, in this case #FF0000. Has anyone done this before?

I can't think of a good way to do that with the current toolset.
I guess one would need some new filter functions that can do the parsing you
need, that at the moment requires some java programming (we have been talking
about having some scripting ability for a while, but so far nothing is
evolved enough
to ship with GeoServer, even if just as an extension)


Ing. Andrea Aime
GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Tech lead

Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
55054  Massarosa (LU)

phone: +39 0584 962313
fax:      +39 0584 962313



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