> 1. how can I make GeoServer use these files as raster data sources? I
> looked at the GeoServer documentation and did some online search as
> well, but it is not clear to me if these files fall into any of the
> supported raster data source categories:
>  ArcGrid - Arc Grid Coverage Format
>  GeoTIFF - Tagged Image File Format with Geographic information
>  Gtopo30 - Gtopo30 Coverage Format
>  ImageMosaic - Image mosaicking plugin
>  WorldImage - A raster file accompanied by a spatial data file

I would suggest you do a conversion of the SRTM files to GeoTIFF.  Chances
are very good you can do this with gdal utilities
http://www.gdal.org/gdal_utilities.html .

> 2. moreover, when trying to set up any of these categories, it seems
> that one has to specify one file at at time - which is very tedious, as
> there are literally hundreds of files. how could one specify a
> directory, and have GeoServer load each file from there? (or maybe even
> a recursive search?)

Recursion is not directly supported but could be easily done through the
REST interface

Examples are here:

> 4. once configured into GeoServer, what would be the easiest way to
> verify that the files are correct? (is there a very simple viewer that
> would show them say in a color-coded form?)

There is a built in preview that shows the data through OpenLayers in a

> 5. maybe I'm missing something, and there is a better source of
> elevation data available than SRTM?

Ah, well that's a harder question-- it depends upon your geography.  Other
similar near global sources include ASTER sources.

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