On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 12:23 AM, Olex Filevych <olex.filev...@yahoo.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> thanks, but it answer more or less another question conserning the graphic
> stroke. That is useful for  complex lines. That is another problem I have.
> What I am interested in for now is how to influece the graphic fill or fill
> pattern within the polygon. If I insert a graphic as a graphic fill, the
> number of graphics itself increse depending on scale. The bigger the scale
> is, the more graphics I see. Thats looks bed. So I want to determin the
> number of graphic to be for example 5 or 6 with pre defined pattern within
> the area. When I increase the scale, the number should stay the same. Only
> the distance (white space) between the graphics should increase, but not
> the number of graphics. I  hope, this time, I make myself more clear. But
> anyway, thanks for your ansser. By the way, I had your presentation already
> :)

I see, what you ask is not possible today, and would probably not be
trivial to implement either


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