Good day,

    During working with GeoServer I've experienced the following problem:

when testing the compliance with the WMS 1.1 standard (via the online tests 
available at, all tests are failed.

One of the errors I received looks like this:


Log for test s0012/d207e988_1

Test wms:wmsops-getcapabilities-params-version-2 (s0012/d207e988_1)


Assertion: When a GetCapabilities request is made for a supported version other 
than [[VAR_WMS_VERSION]] using WMTVER instead of VERSION, then the version 
returned is the version requested.


Request d207e3521_1:

   Method: get

   URL: ReQuEsT=GetCapabilities&SeRvIcE=WMS&VeRsIoN=0.0.0

Error in call to extension function {public org.w3c.dom.NodeList 
com.occamlab.te.TECore.request(org.w3c.dom.Document,java.lang.String) throws 
java.lang.Throwable}: Exception in extension function no protocol: 

Result: Failed



I've tried to set miscellaneous test settings but without success.


So, my testing environment is:

     MS Windows 7 EN (32 bit)

     GeoServer ver. 2.1.3 (32 bit), installed as a Windows service



Any help would be greatly appreciated!



     Maxim K.

     Senior Software Developer in GeoCybernetics Inc.

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