Hi Martin and Andrea,

sorry for the late of my reply but I've had some troubles in these days and
I was out of office.

First of all I try to explain what I'd like to do with my WPS process.

I've tried to reply the steps using QGIS on the same data (shapefile) and
capture images:

1) select a state (Texas): figure SelectedState-TX.jpg
2) calculate a buffer around the selected state: figure
3) intersect this buffer with the state layer and find the states that
interscet the buffer: figure StateIntersect.jpg

Note the I'd like to use the buffer to intersect other layers too.

I hope in this manner could be clear my goal.

So can I obtain my goal using my original WPS process? Other ways? The only
thing that I've to do is update my GeoServer?
Here you are the build infomation about my GeoServer:

   - Version 2.1-SNAPSHOT
   - Subversion Revision 16780
   - Build Date 22-Feb-2012 05:02
   - GeoTools Version 2.7-SNAPSHOT (rev 38575)

Another question: the gs:CollectGeometries works fine but if I've a "real"
layers with a lot of features (> 1000), is good too?

Thank you in advance...


2012/6/22 Martin Davis <mda...@opengeo.org>

> On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 1:05 PM, Andrea Aime <andrea.a...@geo-solutions.it
> > wrote:
>> On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 8:17 PM, Martin Davis <mda...@opengeo.org> wrote:
>>> The reason for the exception is that the JTS intersection operation only
>>> works on valid geometries.  Unfortunately the output of the
>>> gs:CollectGeometries process may not be valid in the case where it is
>>> collecting a set of Polygons.  This is because polygons which are adjacent
>>> to each other or which overlap do not form valid MultiPolygons.  Both of
>>> these situations occur in your process (the input states are adjacent, and
>>> the buffers will overlap).
>> The current version of collectGeometries now does a union before
>> returning polygon collections, I guess you haven't used it in a few months,
>> the
>> change has been made in March (http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GEOT-4077)
>> However this might explain why Cesare's case is not working, I believe he
>> has a 2.1.3 installed.
> Oh, right, I see that now.  It should probably use the newish JTS
> Geometry.union() rather than buffer(0) - it's faster for large datasets.
>>> Actually the buffer operation should work with any kind of input, and
>>> produce a valid polygonal output.  So the problem is due to collecting the
>>> STATES polygons together and trying to use that in JTS:intersection.
>>> In fact, the JTS:intersection operation is not designed to work on
>>> collections of geometries anyway.
>> The gs:CollectGeometries process made sure to build a type specific
>> collection for that very reason, you will get back
>> a GeometryCollection only if the collected geometries are etherogeneous:
>> http://svn.osgeo.org/geotools/trunk/modules/library/main/src/main/java/org/geotools/geometry/jts/GeometryCollector.java
>> Or do you mean that intersecting a Multipolygon against another
>> Multipolygon is less robust than an intersection
>> between simple polygons?
> I mean that in order for the intersection to work, both arguments need to
> be valid geometries.  In the case of the states collection, this requires
> that they be unioned together.  The effect of this is to produce a single
> polygon (the outline of the US).  Then the result of the intersection is
> going to be a single polygon.  I took a guess that the desire result was
> actually a collection of the intersections of the individual state polygons
> against the buffer polygon (this is the most common reason for this kind of
> processing, in my experience).
>>> --
> Martin Davis
> OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org
> Expert service straight from the developers.

Cesare Gerbino

<<attachment: SelectedState-TX.jpg>>

<<attachment: BufferAroundSelectedStateTX.jpg>>

<<attachment: StateIntersect.jpg>>

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