
We are using REST to DELETE style information from Geoserver. It works very 
well except on one implementation at one of our customers.
A DELETE request returns a 405 error. Normally this would be a MIME-type issue, 
but in this case the mime types are just fine.

The setup is: IIS 7, Geoserver (2.1.2) on Tomcat via ISAPI redirect.

When looking in the Geoserver logfile, I noticed the following when trying to 
delete o10004_kol1.sld:

2012-07-05 12:19:52,269 DEBUG 
[security.RESTfulPathBasedFilterInvocationDefinitionMap] - ~~~~~~~~~~ antPath= 
/** methodList= [Ljava.lang.String;@22880c2b
2012-07-05 12:19:52,269 DEBUG 
[security.RESTfulPathBasedFilterInvocationDefinitionMap] - method[0]: GET
2012-07-05 12:19:52,269 DEBUG 
[security.RESTfulPathBasedFilterInvocationDefinitionMap] - Candidate is: 
'/rest/styles/o10004_kol1'; antPath is /**; matchedPath=true; 
2012-07-05 12:19:52,269 DEBUG [ows.OWSHandlerMapping] - Looking up handler for 
2012-07-05 12:19:52,269 DEBUG [catalog.rest] - GET style O10004_kol1
2012-07-05 12:19:52,285 DEBUG [geoserver.rest] - Failed to lookup template 
java.io.FileNotFoundException: Template O10004_kol1.ftl not found.

It says it cannot find a FTL file.  What is this FTL file? Never heard of it 
and surely we never used it before for deleting a style via REST.

Anyone with some indept knowledge about this? If needed, I have a complete 
logfile (on VERBOSE level).

Best regards,
Martijn Coenen

[Beschrijving: Beschrijving: Beschrijving: 

Covadis b.v.

t: 026 3616600

Geograaf 12

f: 026 3612317

6921 EW Duiven

e: coe...@covadis.nl

<<inline: image001.gif>>

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