On Thu, 5 Jul 2012 10:21:54 PM Casper Børgesen wrote:
> I have an existing ImagePyramid in GeoServer 2.1.4 (but I can use 2.2 if
> that helps).
> If it is possible, how can I update the pyramid (add new tiles) without
> deleting and re-creating the ImagePyramid store each time?

I do it by running gdaltindex to add the new tiles to the existing shape file 
in the level directory of the image pyramid.

I'm not sure what is required to load the new shape file into memory. I often 
restart geoserver - I know that works, but there may be less drastic methods if 
restarting is not an option for you (I'd be interested in hearing what does 
work if anyone knows).

For example the following extract from my update bash script ensures all tiff 
files are indexed in the shape files for the pyramid (this does generate plenty 
of warnings that some files are already in the index):

   for f in */. ; do                                                            
        cd $f                                                                   
        find . -name "*.tif" -exec gdaltindex -tileindex location $name.shp 
'{}' '+'                                                                        


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