Hi Garey

First, using a ticket as a session identifier is a security risk.  
Normally, a CAS ticket is validated once. Geoserver sends the ticket  
to the CAS server and receives the user name.

Upon successful validation, the CAS server removes the ticket from its  
ticket registry. The following scenario is possible:

1) Geoserver receives a ticket "ST-123456".
2) The ticket is validated and the user name is "user1". The CAS  
server removes
the ticket from its registry.
3) If the ticket is a session identifier, Geoserver has to remember  
the ticket value.
4) A new user "user2" requires a CAS ticket. It is unlikely but  
possible that the new user gets an identical ticket "ST-123456".
5) Geoserver receives the ticket (the session identifier) and "user2"  
has the same privileges as "user1". This is not correct.

I did some investigations last weekend and I think I will do it the  
following way.

- Concerning Geoserver there is no difference between service tickets  
and proxy tickets, the important fact is to retrieve the user name by  
validating the ticket.

- I will add a configuration option "allowSessionCreation". Enabled  
means that GeoServer will create a http session, sending back a cookie  
to the client. If this option is disabled, no cookie is sent back and  
a new ticket is required for each request.

In your scenario, you should use "allowSessionCreation=true". This  
will work well for browser clients. OpenGeoPortal has to retransmit  
the cookie for each request.

I will keep you informed

Zitat von Garey Mills <gmi...@library.berkeley.edu>:

> Christian -
>     Please see the discussion below. I have an application
> (OpenGeoPortal) that will be making repeated requests to Geoserver
> inside of one person's session (in OpenGeoPortal). Generating a new
> proxy ticket for each request does not look like a good fit for that
> use.
>     Is there any way to allow repeated use of a given proxy ticket?
> Garey Mills
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject:      Re: [cas-user] Question about CAS proxy tickets
> Date:         Fri, 07 Sep 2012 17:04:44 -0400
> From:         William G. Thompson, Jr. <wgt...@gmail.com>
> Reply-To:     cas-u...@lists.jasig.org
> To:   cas-u...@lists.jasig.org
> On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 2:50 PM, Garey Mills
> <gmi...@library.berkeley.edu> wrote:
>> Hello -
>>    I am trying to get a CAS-protected Java servlet app to use a web
>> service, so as I understand it the web service will have to accept proxy
>> tickets.
>>    I am told by the person who is CASifying the web service that I will
>> have to send a new proxy ticket with each request to the web service. Is
>> this doable? Is it usual? Does it make sense?
> Doable? yes
> Usual? hard to say
> Does it make sense? maybe.  If the servlet app is making very
> infrequent requests to the target web service, getting a new proxy
> ticket for each request could be reasonable.   If the app is making
> frequent repeated requests or has to carry on a stateful conversation
> you might want to consider using the PT as a sort of session
> identifier (or some other mechanism) for repeated requests after
> validation.
> Best,
> Bill
>> Thanks for any input;
>> --
>> Garey Mills
>> Library Systems Office
>> UC Berkeley
>> --
>> You are currently subscribed to cas-u...@lists.jasig.org as:
>> wgt...@gmail.com
>> To unsubscribe, change settings or access archives, see
>> http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/display/JSG/cas-user
> -- 
> You are currently subscribed to cas-u...@lists.jasig.org as:
> gmi...@library.berkeley.edu
> To unsubscribe, change settings or access archives, see
> http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/display/JSG/cas-user

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