MaxX on the config page says -76.565315246582. So does the bbox parameter in the url. The bbox of the openlayers preview also cuts-off the easternmost data. However I can drag the map to see the rest of the data, and the easternmost data point is consistent with the bbox report when I go directly into postgres. I then think GWC uses this incorrect bbox when generating tiles. If I type in the correct bbox into the layers config page (instead of using "compute from data") then bbox is correct on the preview page (and in the url), but GWC still does not generate correct tiles.,39.7212753295898,-76.565315246582,42.2647132873535&width=512&height=330&srs=EPSG:4326&format=application/openlayers


On 11/2/2012 10:01 AM, Tobias Reinicke wrote:
Sorry - so your layer config page says:

  * Min X
  * Min Y
  * Max X
  * Max Y

and when you click on layer preview the url at the top has a parameter like;


What is your native and declared SRS? Both 4326?


On 2 November 2012 13:55, Tobias Reinicke < <>> wrote:

    So your layer config page says:

    On 2 November 2012 13:44, Stephen Crawford <
    <>> wrote:

        Hi Toby,

        When using WMS all points are OK.  I'm using the built-in
        GWC.  Points do not have labels.

        Geoserver reports the eastern edge of the bbox as
        -76.565315246582.  PostGIS says it is -74.924247214709, which
is also what I get when I view the WMS in the layer preview. This leads me to believe that the bbox reported by geoserver
        is incorrect, and then it is using the incorrect bbox to
        cut-off the data on tiles that are east of the incorrect value.


        On 11/2/2012 9:15 AM, Tobias Reinicke wrote:
        Just some clarity;

        Are you saying that when you preview the layer as WMS all the
        points are there ok?

        If so, then the BBOX in the layer config page must be
        correct, and this isn't the issue.

        Are you using the built in GWC in geoserver? Do your points
        have labels?


        On 2 November 2012 13:01, Stephen Crawford <
        <>> wrote:

            Hi All,

            I'm using postgres 8.4, postGIS 1.5, Geoserver 2.2.  I
            have a point
            layer with 143,500 records.  It looks great with regular
            WMS. However
            when I use tiles some of the data are missing.  I can see
            in the "edit
            layer" page that the bounding box ("compute from native
            bounds") is not
            the same as that when using ST_extent in postGIS---the GS
            box is ~1.7
            deg lon smaller--and the missing data are from the area
            that is the
            difference between the two.  I tried editing the layer
            page with the
            postGIS bbox and then emptying the tile cache, but still
            no change; all
            data east of smaller bbox are missing.

            Any thoughts?


            Stephen Crawford
            Center for Environmental Informatics
            The Pennsylvania State University

            LogMeIn Central: Instant, anywhere, Remote PC access and
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        -- Stephen Crawford Center for Environmental Informatics The
        Pennsylvania State University  <>

Stephen Crawford
Center for Environmental Informatics
The Pennsylvania State University

LogMeIn Central: Instant, anywhere, Remote PC access and management.
Stay in control, update software, and manage PCs from one command center
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