
The CQL expression needs quotes around the EPSG string.  When I use the
following it works:


On Wed, Nov 7, 2012 at 9:53 PM, Rahkonen Jukka <jukka.rahko...@mmmtike.fi>wrote:

> Hi,
> sf:streams does not have data inside such a box because it seems to be in
> EPSG:26713
> <srs>EPSG:26713</srs>
>   <nativeBoundingBox>
>     <minx>589434.4971235897</minx>
>     <maxx>609518.2117427464</maxx>
>     <miny>4913947.342298816</miny>
>     <maxy>4928071.049965891</maxy>
>     <crs class="projected">EPSG:26713</crs>
>   </nativeBoundingBox>
> With standard WFS you can give BBOX with five parameters
> localhost:8080/geoserver/wfs?request=GetFeature&typeName=sf:streams&propertyName=the_geom&BBOX(-180,-90,180,90,EPSG:4326)
> I made a with CQL as BBOX(the_geom,-180,-90,180,90,EPSG:4326) but it
> didn't work. Either it is not supported or my syntax was wrong.
> --
Martin Davis
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