
Using the path you specified you are querying the geoserver catalog. This means 
that you are asking for information on how your data is configured and stored 
into geoserver.
You can download this information in different (ascii) formats:

As far as I know there's no a rest api service to serve the file, probably 
because this is not so general purpose (many datastores are not file based).

If you want to download the data you have to use the getMap
specifying the desired output format:

Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2012 12:34:57 +0100
Subject: [Geoserver-users] Downloading GeoTIFF file via RESTApi (GeoServer      

Hi, I am using GeoServer (Version 2.2 Git Revision 
f5b5c35076b52d02eb9cca3fa3232bc17b5f6d80 Build Date 19-Sep-2012 18:33 GeoTools 
Version 8.2 (rev 704570474295e339c08d1ca140d884f23a8a03a3)) and I've got 
workspace with name myTestWorkspace and store with name test and type GeoTIFF. 
This store has URL connection parameters as follows: file:coverages/test.tif. I 
would like to download *.tif file by GeoServer REST API.

I found in documentation 
 that it is possible using URL


So in my case it will be 
/workspaces/myTestWorkspace/coveragestores/test/file.geotiff(am I right?). But 
when I paste this URL I've got HTTP status 404. In documentation above is 
information that in this case (getting 404) are two options: 

GET for a data store that does not exist -> 404 

GET for a data store that is not file based -> 404
My data store exists (if for example I 
paste/workspaces/myTestWorkspace/coveragestores/test.xml then I get information 
about store: name, type etc.).

But is my data store file based? I thought that if data store has type GeoTIFF, 
then he is file based - am I right?

Any ideas why I cannot download TIFF file?Thanks, Arek

This are information about my configuration:

Build Information

    Version 2.2

    Git Revision f5b5c35076b52d02eb9cca3fa3232bc17b5f6d80

    Build Date 19-Sep-2012 18:33

    GeoTools Version 8.2 (rev 704570474295e339c08d1ca140d884f23a8a03a3)

JAVA: Oracle Corporation: 1.7.0_07 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM)


Native JAI      false   

Native JAI ImageIO      false

OS: Linux centos64 2.6.32-279.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Jun 22 12:19:21 UTC 2012 
x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

----------------Web container: Apache Tomcat/7.0.30

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