Following my other thread with CSSParameter and SVGParameter and the
revelation there's a SVG 1.0 and 1.1, I've discovered this issue is caused
because the stylesheet is 1.1.0, and apparently GeoServer can't handle
external SVG fills with that version yet.

I converted it to 1.0.0 and it now mostly works, but there's one problem:
One of the key elements I was using was "<Displacement>", which allows you
to offset a fill by a specified number of pixels, but this doesn't appear
to be in 1.0.0. Is there any way around this or is it simply a case of
waiting for that aspect of SLD 1.1 to be implemented into GeoServer?


On 7 January 2013 12:17, Jonathan Moules <
> wrote:

> Further,
> I've now tried:
> <se:OnlineResource xlink:type="simple"
> xlink:href="D:\Geoserver_data\styles\svgs\boulderGeometry.svg"/>
> Which fails with:
> Parsing failed for href: Illegal character in
> opaque part at index 2: D:\Geoserver_data\styles\svgs\boulderGeometry.svg
> -----
> So I tried with the slashes the other ("wrong") way:
> <se:OnlineResource xlink:type="simple"
> xlink:href="D:/Geoserver_data/styles/svgs/boulderGeometry.svg"/>
> which fails validation with:
> "Parsing failed for ExternalGraphic:
> unknown protocol: d"
> ----
> When trying to render the legend on the layers->Publishing page, they both
> fail with the same console error.
> So I think I've tried every single possible combination and GeoServer
> fails them all. What am I missing?
> Cheers,
> Jonathan
> On 7 January 2013 11:58, Jonathan Moules <
>> wrote:
>> Hi List,
>> I have some polygons I want to be filled with a SVG style. The
>> documentation makes it clear GeoServer supports this:
>> However I'm having issues getting it to work.
>> - I've tried placing the SVG files onto a local web-server and accessing
>> them like that, but all I get in the legend is grey boxes.
>> - Then I placed them into /geoserver_data/styles/svgs - this resulted in
>> a GeoServer console error.
>> - Then I placed them in the styles directory itself, but I still get the
>> GeoServer console error.
>> This page (
>> makes it clear that my links are correct (well, maybe not the ./svgs/ one,
>> but it follows convention).
>> My GeoServer error seems to imply it can't find the files:
>> 07 Jan 11:22:41 ERROR [org.geoserver.ows] -
>> org.geoserver.platform.ServiceException:
>>         at
>>         at
>>         at
>> org.geoserver.ows.Dispatcher.parseRequestKVP(
>>         ...
>> And example of the applicable part of my SLD:
>>           <se:PolygonSymbolizer>
>>             <se:Fill>
>>               <se:GraphicFill>
>>                 <se:Graphic>
>>                   <se:ExternalGraphic>
>>                     <OnlineResource xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="
>> http://wppgeog3/geoserver/OSMM_SVG_symbols/boulderGeometry.svg"/>
>>                     <Format>image/svg+xml</Format>
>>                   </se:ExternalGraphic>
>>                   <se:Size>3</se:Size>
>>                   <se:Displacement>
>>                     <se:DisplacementX>3</se:DisplacementX>
>>                     <se:DisplacementY>4</se:DisplacementY>
>>                   </se:Displacement>
>>                 </se:Graphic>
>>               </se:GraphicFill>
>>             </se:Fill>
>>             <VendorOption name="distance">10,10</VendorOption>
>>           </se:PolygonSymbolizer>
>> This one gives me grey boxes in my legend.
>> ----------
>> Other URL lines include:
>>                     <OnlineResource xlink:type="simple"
>> xlink:href="./svgs/boulderGeometry.svg"/>
>>                     <OnlineResource xlink:type="simple"
>> xlink:href="/svgs/boulderGeometry.svg"/>
>>                     <OnlineResource xlink:type="simple"
>> xlink:href="boulderGeometry.svg"/>
>> Those three give me the GeoServer error.
>> They also fail GeoServer validation:
>> "Parsing failed for ExternalGraphic: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
>> URI is not absolute"
>> But the documentation example includes a clearly relative URI.
>>                     <OnlineResource xlink:type="simple"
>> xlink:href="%GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR%/styles/svgs/rockFillSymbol.svg"/>
>> Fails validation with:
>> "Parsing failed for href: Malformed escape
>> pair at index 0: %GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR%/styles/svgs/boulderGeometry.svg"
>>  ----------
>> TL;DR: How do I make SVG Fill work with an ExternalGraphic?
>> Thanks,
>> Jonathan

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