Hi List,

i have a problem with noValue (or nullValue) entrys in Geoserver's WCS
and i don't found a solution for it yet.

I store a rasterfile, format ArcGrid, GeoTIFF and/or ErdasImg to
Geoserver, version 2.2.x, via REST interface and edit the coverage.xml
to add some missed entrys. So i expand among other the dimensions_node
with a range and novalue informations corresponding to the raster
values, like:


My coverages are requested by a application using GDAL (v1.9.1). GDAL
reads the coverageOfferings (describeCoverage request) to get the raster
informations and compute something exluding the noValue regions in the

The issue ist now, when GDAL read the coverageOfferings in WCS 1.0.0,
the novalue (or nullValue) entrys are not delivered by Geoserver and
GDAL can't use it:

in WCS 1.1.0 and 1.1.1 Geoserver delivers the noValues,

but GDAL can't use the 1.1.x version of WCS, when i specify the WCS
version to 1.1.x , e.g.

GDAL can read the coverage offering with included novalues but cant open it:
C:\OSGeo4W\bin>gdalinfo wcs.xml
ERROR 1: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The specified dimensional
 is non-positive.
The specified dimensional parameter is non-positive.
gdalinfo failed - unable to open 'wcs.xml'.

Has someone a solution how i can
a) deliver novalues using the WCS 1.0.0 version in Geoserver or
b) teach GDAL to use Gerserver's WCS 1.1.x

Many thanks in advance

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