
There are not really simultaneous users in OGC services because they are 
stateless.  User sends a reques and gets server and then the job is done. Users 
just being online and ready to do new requests do not cost anything for WMS and 
WFS servers but only the real requests count.

Do you mean that you may have 50 people browsing your maps or digitizing and 
sending request while they zoom and pan on the map?  If this is the situation 
then the demands for the server are minimal. With 4 CPU-cores and 16 GB memory 
with some fast HDDs or better SSD that was specified in the previous mail you 
should be able to serve hundreds or thousands users but of course it depends on 
your needs,data, and configuration.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Stefan Engelhardt wrote:

in my opinion this needs more specification what you are planning.

For example:
-What kind of data do you want to deliver? Postgis? Raster data? Shape files?
-How many data do you have? 1000 entries? 1.000.000 ?
-How complex is your styling?
-What kind of service do you need? Really wms? Or can you serve tiled maps?
-If you can serve tiled maps how dynamic is your data? Can you preseed the 
-You are talking about 20 Users who are simultaneously using the service. Are 
they really using it simultaneously in the same seconds? Or do you have 20 
users overall?

I would expect that a small server mit max. 4 CPU-cores and 16 GB memory with 
some fast HDDs or better SSD would be fast enough. But this is really a rule of 
thumb estimating which can vary enormous to bigger or smaller servers.


From: KhunSanAung [mailto:khunsanaung....@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2013 4:30 AM
Subject: [bulk]: [Geoserver-users] What Should Be the Specification of a Map 
Server to Serve Around 20 Users Simultaneously

Dear All,

I'd like to know what should be the (physical) specification of a Web Map 
Server to server around 20 users simultaneously with good performance.
Anyone please give me advice.
What should be the specification of a Map Server to deliver the maps with good 
performance If the users increase to 50?

Thank you very much in advance

Best Regards

Mr. Khun San Aung, GIS Analyst

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