First of all, excuse my poor English.
I have the following problem. I need to represent a lot of polygons (hundreds)
in GeoServer with SLD_BODY option. The request is very long, so it is a problem
in the client environment, because the request is cut and it doesn't execute. I
need to make it smaller.
I have hundred of polygons, but all polygons are painted with a color from five
available, so instead of define a rule for each polygon, I would like to group
all the polygons with the same symbol to reduce the length of the request. Is
it possible to use something similar to "IN" operator to group values to paint?
How can I obtain somethin similar to:
Thanks in advance
Best regards
Pedro Briones García
Jefe de Grupo de Actuaciones y Proyectos
Gerencia de SIG y Consultoría
Grupo Tragsa (Grupo SEPI)
Julián Camarillo, 6B · Planta 2ªB
28037 Madrid
Tel.: +34 91 322 64 89
Fax: +34 91 322 64 48
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