Hi List,
   My GeoServer is behaving a little weirdly and is giving
"<gml:boundedBy><gml:null>unknown</gml:null></gml:boundedBy>" (I guess that
means "no results") as a result for GetFeatureInfo queries.
The problem is I can guarantee there's a feature at that location.

Both of these queries are for the same area at the same scale - 1:40,000.
The layer has a scale threshold of 1:40,000 and is displaying fine (via

This one works:

This one returns "unknown".
The only differences are bolded (BBOX and X/Y). I don't think it's the X/Y.

I suspect this is a result of a rounding error. I don't have a tool to do
it, but I suspect the bounding box for the second one is probably 40000.5
or something, which gets rounded up to 40001. This is outside of the Scale
Threshold so no features are returned.

So questions:
- Does anyone have or know of a tool to calculate scale from bboxes and
width/height? Google isn't getting me far.
- Has anyone encountered this before?

I guess I can change the scale threshold to 1:40010 or something, but I'd
rather not.


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