Just to add some more information - this seems to be a JBoss specific issue
as I can run up 2.3.4 in jetty and all works fine. I can then switch back
to JBoss and use the same data directory with no issues either so I suspect
is it is a permissions issue. I'm going to punt this to the JBOss experts
here and let them bang their heads on it for a while - if we do find an
answer I'll make sure to document it here and on the wiki.


On 6 August 2013 10:19, Ian Turton <ijtur...@gmail.com> wrote:

> But jboss seems to have rwx permissions on the whole tree (i.e. I did
> chown -R jboss:jboss data/)
> Ian
> On 6 August 2013 10:17, Russell Hore <r...@russ-hore.co.uk> wrote:
>> I have had the similar error message, (Using Tomcat under Linux), when
>> the permissions on the directories are not 'open' enough.
>> Russ
>> On 6 Aug 2013, at 10:07, Andrea Aime <andrea.a...@geo-solutions.it>
>> wrote:
>> On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 10:40 AM, Ian Turton <ijtur...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I'm running GeoServer 2.3.4 under JBoss (not my choice) and I'm seeing
>>> an issue creatign an image pyramid - the log file says:
>>> 09:31:49,822 INFO  [org.geotools.gce.imagepyramid]
>>> (http-- Checking file:/app
>>> s/data/
>>> existstrue
>>> isFilefalse
>>> canRead:true
>>> canWritetrue
>>> canExecutetrue
>>> isHidden:false
>>> lastModified1375775551000
>>> 09:31:49,827 INFO  [org.geotools.gce.imagepyramid]
>>> (http-- Checking file:/app
>>> s/data/250k/
>>> existsfalse
>>> isFilefalse
>>> canRead:false
>>> canWritefalse
>>> canExecutefalse
>>> isHidden:false
>>> lastModified0
>>> 09:31:49,832 INFO  [org.geotools.gce.imagepyramid]
>>> (http-- Unable to build mosaic for the
>>> directory:/apps/data/250k/0
>>> 09:31:49,833 INFO  [org.geotools.gce.imagepyramid]
>>> (http-- Unable to build mosaic for the
>>> directory:/apps/data/250k/4
>>> 09:31:49,833 INFO  [org.geotools.gce.imagepyramid]
>>> (http-- Unable to build mosaic for the
>>> directory:/apps/data/250k/1
>>> 09:31:49,834 INFO  [org.geotools.gce.imagepyramid]
>>> (http-- Unable to build mosaic for the
>>> directory:/apps/data/250k/3
>>> 09:31:49,841 INFO  [org.geotools.gce.imagepyramid]
>>> (http-- Unable to build mosaic for the
>>> directory:/apps/data/250k/2
>>> 09:31:49,842 INFO  [org.geoserver.web] (http-- Getting
>>> list of coverages for saved store /apps/data/250k:
>>> java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not list layers for this store, an error
>>> occurred retrieving them: This plugin accepts only File, URL and String
>>> pointing to a file
>>>         at
>>> org.geoserver.web.data.layer.NewLayerPageProvider.getItemsInternal(NewLayerPageProvider.java:123)
>>> [web-core-2.3.4.jar:2.3.4]
>> Which root directory did you give to the pyramid store? It's normal that
>> it's checking the root directory for files, as gdal_retile puts tiles there
>> too,
>> but I'd be surprised if it's checking the parent of the folder you gave
>> it.
>> That said, the true errors are reported for the directories that should
>> contain the data, it seems it's not able to generate a mosaic there, not
>> sure
>> why. You can try to put the logging level to "geotools developer logging"
>> and see if anything more interesting pops up
>> Cheers
>> Andrea
>> --
>> ==
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> --
> Ian Turton

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