Good Morning,

I just tried following idea:
first I converted the geotiff to png
> gdal_translate -co WORLDFILE=YES -of png 1.tif 2.png

Then I followed the instruction of the tutorial.
I didn't get the error message when I published the layer.

The layer can be loaded to the main map and uses the 
correct style information.
However I see gaps inside the raster and a huge black 
boarder. This must have happened during the transformation 
from geotiff to png. It is visible in a desktop image 
viewer too.

So, how to translate geotiff into png probably?
And still, png is not a good solution for raster data ... 
what to do about the geoserver error?

On Tue, 03 Sep 2013 17:07:33 +0200
  "Frederik Haefker" <> wrote:
> Hi Christian,
> I have full control of the geoserver (sudo etc.). So I 
>think I can start a debug session. Sadly I don't know 
>what to do :) (sorry)
> In my last message I sent you a file called 
>error-log.txt which included a copy of the full error 
>message. Maybe we can find a hint there?
> I can send you the scripts (which one do you need?). 
>However I can't send any data itself (due to restriction 
>of my working group).
> Thanks again
> Best Regards
> On Tue, 3 Sep 2013 17:00:55 +0200
>  Christian Mueller <> 
>> Hi Frederik
>> This is strange. In the file geoserver_aftererror.log I 
>> 2013-09-03 13:35:57,116 INFO 
>>[org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic.jdbc] - Using 8
>> CPU(s)
>> 2013-09-03 13:35:57,129 INFO 
>>[org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic.jdbc] - Getting
>> 1 Tiles needs 13 millisecs
>> 2013-09-03 13:35:57,134 INFO 
>>[org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic.jdbc] - Getting
>> and decoding  1 Tiles needs 18 millisecs
>> 2013-09-03 13:35:57,160 INFO 
>>[org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic.jdbc] - Mosaic
>> Reader needs : 48 millisecs
>> The imagemosaic JDBC module finished its job and returns 
>>an image to
>> GeoServer. Unfortunately, I cannot see the exception 
>>causing this error.
>> Without the the data I cannot debug. (Do you have the 
>>possibility to start
>> a debug session).
>> If not, I would need your configuration xml files, the 
>>image and all the
>> scripts for importing the image data into postgres.
>> Cheers
>> Christian

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