
When you perform GetFeature request with GML output format, featureID is
the value of the "gml:id" attribute in the response.

Best Regards,


2013/9/5 Jonathan Moules <jonathanmou...@warwickshire.gov.uk>

> Hi List,
> I'm trying to use WFS GetFeature to get a specific feature -
> http://docs.geoserver.org/stable/en/user/services/wfs/reference.html#getfeature
> The documentation says:
>> To limit the output you can restrict the GetFeature request to a single
>> feature by including an additional parameter, featureID and providing the
>> ID of a specific feature. In this case, the GET request would be:
> What does this actually mean? What column is the featureID coming from? I
> can do it using a filter, but I'm just trying to understand what the
> featureID bit is actually for.
> Cheers,
> Jonathan
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