I've been starting to use GeoServer caching (geowebcache) more often and
have a question regarding the caching for the web mercator or Google

The "official" EPSG code for the web mercator projection is EPSG:3857.
 GeoServer does support this by default.   However, geowebcache uses 900913
as a default gridset.  Perhaps that should be 3857?

As well, the default definition for 3857 in GeoServer is missing the datum
transformation parameters. Adding something like the following should work.


(In PROJ.4 format, "+nadgrids=@null" could also be added to not use any
grid shift fileand apply a zero shift.)

It was also mentioned in the article
summary), that the prpjection name should be changed to:


Apparently, 3857 is not in spatialreference.org but these two are very

So, with all that said, my questions are:

1) Should GeoWebCache use 3857 rather than 900913 as the default web
mercator gridset?
2) Should the definitions of 3857 and/or 900913 be changed in GeoServer?
 or maybe entries can be added to override these reference systems
in \geoserver_data\user_projections?
3) Would anyone recommend building cache tile sets for both 3857 and 900913
(since clients may be use either one)?

Thanks for your help/.

- John

John Callahan
Research Scientist
Delaware Geological Survey
University of Delaware
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