it's pretty simple, in the KVP reqeust you did not specify the SRS as the
fifth parameter of the bbox, so the axis order
defaults to the declared in the caps document, which uses the urn syntax
and it's ordered lat/lon, but in the XML request
you did specify the srs and used the legacy syntax, which is instead
ordered lon/lat.

See also:


On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 6:07 PM, Sen, Marcus A. <m...@bgs.ac.uk> wrote:

> I have a WFS (using app-schema) which seems to expect coordinates in
> lat-lon order if I send them in a KVP BBOX query but in lon-lat order if I
> send them in an XML Filter request. I'm not entirely sure what the expected
> behaviour according to OGC standards should be but is it really to use the
> opposite ordering in the two versions or does this behaviour suggest there
> is some misconfiguration in my service or a bug?
> I include an example of each type of request below together with the
> GeoServer log extracts for each and the spatial part of the generated
> PostGIS SQL queries sent to the PostGIS data store underlying the service.
> The GeoServer abstract selection clauses are subtly different ("bbox" vs
> "gsml:shape bbox") but give rise to opposite ordering of the coordinates in
> the generated SQL queries.
> Any ideas?
> Marcus Sen
> Query 1 - KVP BBOX
> ------------------
> http://ogc.bgs.ac.uk/digmap625k_gsml32_gs/wfs?SERVICE=WFS&VERSION=2.0.0&REQUEST=GetFeature&TYPENAMES=gsml:MappedFeature&BBOX=56.08643859340388,-4.0004826736994445,56.165510496146474,-3.8381055732299343&;
> returns 20 features
> In the GeoServer logs this request appears as:
> Request: getFeature
>     service = WFS
>     version = 2.0.0
>     baseUrl = http://ogc.bgs.ac.uk:80/digmap625k_gsml32_gs/
>     outputFormat = text/xml; subtype=gml/3.2
>     resolve = none
>     resolveDepth = *
>     resolveTimeout = 300
>     resultType = results
>     abstractQueryExpressionGroup[0] =
> wfs:abstractQueryExpression=net.opengis.wfs20.impl.QueryTypeImpl@6e90bff3(handle:
>  null) (abstractProjectionClause: null, abstractSelectionClause: [
>  bbox POLYGON ((56.08643859340388 -4.0004826736994445, 56.08643859340388
> -3.8381055732299343, 56.165510496146474 -3.8381055732299343,
> 56.165510496146474 -4.0004826736994445, 56.08643859340388
> -4.0004826736994445)) ], abstractSortingClause: null, aliases: null,
> typeNames: [{http://xmlns.geosciml.org/GeoSciML-Core/3.2}MappedFeature])
> (featureVersion: null, srsName: null, filter: null, propertyNames: null,
> sortBy: null)
>     abstractQueryExpression[0]:
>         abstractSelectionClause = [  bbox POLYGON ((56.08643859340388
> -4.0004826736994445, 56.08643859340388 -3.8381055732299343,
> 56.165510496146474 -3.8381055732299343, 56.165510496146474
> -4.0004826736994445, 56.08643859340388 -4.0004826736994445)) ]
>         typeNames[0] = {
> http://xmlns.geosciml.org/GeoSciML-Core/3.2}MappedFeature
>         filter = [  bbox POLYGON ((56.08643859340388 -4.0004826736994445,
> 56.08643859340388 -3.8381055732299343, 56.165510496146474
> -3.8381055732299343, 56.165510496146474 -4.0004826736994445,
> 56.08643859340388 -4.0004826736994445)) ]
> and in the data source PostGIS database it generates a number of queries
> with the following WHERE clause:
> WHERE "the_geom" && ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON ((-4.0004826736994445
> 56.08643859340388, -4.0004826736994445 56.165510496146474,
> -3.8381055732299343 56.165510496146474, -3.8381055732299343
> 56.08643859340388, -4.0004826736994445 56.08643859340388))', 4326) )
> Query 2 - XML Filter
> ====================
> If I encode the equivalent (I presume) query in XML format as:
>     <fes:Filter xmlns:fes="http://www.opengis.net/fes/2.0";
>       xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2";>
>         <fes:BBOX>
>           <fes:ValueReference>gsml:shape</fes:ValueReference>
>           <gml:Envelope srsName="EPSG:4326">
>             <gml:lowerCorner>56.08643859340388
>               -4.0004826736994445</gml:lowerCorner>
>             <gml:upperCorner>56.165510496146474
>               -3.8381055732299343</gml:upperCorner>
>           </gml:Envelope>
>         </fes:BBOX>
>     </fes:Filter>
> and pass this in the FILTER parameter as below:
> http://ogc.bgs.ac.uk/digmap625k_gsml32_gs/wfs?SERVICE=WFS&VERSION=2.0.0&REQUEST=GetFeature&TYPENAMES=gsml:MappedFeature&FILTER=%3Cfes%3AFilter%20xmlns%3Afes%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.opengis.net%2Ffes%2F2.0%22%20xmlns%3Agml%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.opengis.net%2Fgml%2F3.2%22%3E%3Cfes%3ABBOX%3E%3Cfes%3AValueReference%3Egsml%3Ashape%3C%2Ffes%3AValueReference%3E%3Cgml%3AEnvelope%20srsName%3D%22EPSG%3A4326%22%3E%3Cgml%3AlowerCorner%3E56.08643859340388%20-4.0004826736994445%3C%2Fgml%3AlowerCorner%3E%3Cgml%3AupperCorner%3E56.165510496146474%20-3.8381055732299343%3C%2Fgml%3AupperCorner%3E%3C%2Fgml%3AEnvelope%3E%3C%2Ffes%3ABBOX%3E%3C%2Ffes%3AFilter%3
> then I get 0 features returned.
> This second query is logged in the GeoServer logs as:
> Request: getFeature
>     service = WFS
>     version = 2.0.0
>     baseUrl = http://ogc.bgs.ac.uk:80/digmap625k_gsml32_gs/
>     outputFormat = text/xml; subtype=gml/3.2
>     resolve = none
>     resolveDepth = *
>     resolveTimeout = 300
>     resultType = results
>     abstractQueryExpressionGroup[0] =
> wfs:abstractQueryExpression=net.opengis.wfs20.impl.QueryTypeImpl@bb93b18(handle:
>  null) (abstractProjectionClause: null, abstractSelectionClause: [
> gsml:shape bbox POLYGON ((56.08643859340388 -4.0004826736994445,
> 56.08643859340388 -3.8381055732299343, 56.165510496146474
> -3.8381055732299343, 56.165510496146474 -4.0004826736994445,
> 56.08643859340388 -4.0004826736994445)) ], abstractSortingClause: null,
> aliases: null, typeNames: [{
> http://xmlns.geosciml.org/GeoSciML-Core/3.2}MappedFeature])
> (featureVersion: null, srsName: null, filter: null, propertyNames: null,
> sortBy: null)
>     abstractQueryExpression[0]:
>         abstractSelectionClause = [ gsml:shape bbox POLYGON
> ((56.08643859340388 -4.0004826736994445, 56.08643859340388
> -3.8381055732299343, 56.165510496146474 -3.8381055732299343,
> 56.165510496146474 -4.0004826736994445, 56.08643859340388
> -4.0004826736994445)) ]
>         typeNames[0] = {
> http://xmlns.geosciml.org/GeoSciML-Core/3.2}MappedFeature
>         filter = [ gsml:shape bbox POLYGON ((56.08643859340388
> -4.0004826736994445, 56.08643859340388 -3.8381055732299343,
> 56.165510496146474 -3.8381055732299343, 56.165510496146474
> -4.0004826736994445, 56.08643859340388 -4.0004826736994445)) ]
> and gives rise to PostGIS queries with a WHERE clause like:
> WHERE "the_geom" && ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON ((56.08643859340388
> -4.0004826736994445, 56.08643859340388 -3.8381055732299343,
> 56.165510496146474 -3.8381055732299343, 56.165510496146474
> -4.0004826736994445, 56.08643859340388 -4.0004826736994445))', 4326) )
> If I swap lat-lon to lon-lat ordering in the second query then I get 20
> features back again.
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