Well Stefan, it doesn't seem so basic. I think I know what you are after.
It seems you want to have both in your geowebcache config. Layers of the
geoserver instance and layers defined in the geowebcache.xml. 

I think you can have that, the key is the geowebcache-core-context.xml

The important bit is at the bottom. Call the gwc with both a gwcXmlConfig
and gwcWMSConfig

  <bean id="geowebcacheDispatcher"
class="org.geowebcache.GeoWebCacheDispatcher" destroy-method="destroy">
    <constructor-arg ref="gwcTLDispatcher"/>
    <constructor-arg ref="gwcGridSetBroker"/>
    <constructor-arg ref="gwcStorageBroker"/>
    <constructor-arg ref="gwcXmlConfig"/>
    <constructor-arg ref="gwcWMSConfig"/>
    <constructor-arg ref="gwcRuntimeStats"/>
    <property name="defaultStorageFinder" ref="gwcDefaultStorageFinder"/>

On top you need to define the xml config ()

 <bean id="gwcXmlConfig" class="org.geowebcache.config.XMLConfiguration">
      <constructor-arg ref="gwcAppCtx" />
      <constructor-arg value="/Tomcat
7_NON_spatial/webapps/geowebcache##1.5/WEB-INF" />
       <property name="template" value="/geowebcache.xml">
      <description>Set the location of the template configuration file to
copy over to the
        cache directory if one doesn't already exist.

and a WMS config (which would be your geoserver)

 <!-- <bean id="gwcWMSConfig"
        <constructor-arg ref="gwcGridSetBroker">
      <description>The URL to the WMS GetCapabilities document, notice &amp;
, port is normally 8080</description>

and you get both. I think this would be how should work (Sorry cannot try it
before the weekend, but I will and tell you the result)





Dr Christian Maul
Project Manager

Information Services Branch
Department Environment and Primary Industries
Level13, Marland House, 570 Bourke Street
Melbourne 3000

PO Box 500, East Melbourne Vic 3002

Telephone:        +61-3-8636 2325
Telefax:              +61-3-8636 2813
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