Jody Garnett wrote:

> Andrea and myself have a talk lined up for FOSS4G ... covering the "best" 
> features of GeoServer in a "feature frenzy" 30 second sound bite format. This 
> is to counteract our "State of GeoServer" talks - where we only get a look at 
> what is new. 

> To help please answer the following questions:

> 1. What makes GeoServer great for you?
It is a reliable product that is under continuous development and if there is a 
great need to get some new feature implemented there are several great 
companies who can take your money and make your happy soon.

> 2. What feature do you always enable?
WFS-T and Oracle datastore

> 3. Is there an extension which totally made a project possible for your or a 
> customer?
WFS-T and Oracle datastore.

> 4. What surprised you when you first installed GeoServer?
How easy it was to install and configure with GUI without a need to write 
mysterious configuration files by hand, and that after the clickety-click 
installation everything just worked.

> 5. What community module do you wish was part of GeoServer 2.6?
OGC GeoPackage if it is ready enough. Importer is my second candidate and 
Spatialite the third but not until it has updated to support Spatialite v. 4.2

-Jukka Rahkonen-
Geoserver-users mailing list

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