
  WCS has the ability to return a coverage as a GeoTiff file. Then if you
want to display or process row data from this file in a Javascript web
client, you need to have to ability to decode the "GeoTiff" part of this

 I found a Tiff.js library compiled with Emscripten. I succeed to display a
GeoTiff with this library as a Tiff file. But I still need to decode the
GeoTiff tag and create the "PCSToImage" / "ImageToPCS" functions.
  Two solutions :
       compile GeoTiff with emscripten or rewrite some part of the GeoTiff
function in javascript.

Another solution should be to ask the server to return the parameter from
the image. Is there a way to do this without sending the full image to the
server ?

Best regards

xavier lhomme
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