We do fix errors all the time, often it is a quality assurance issue (the
developers need to check that they "close" each resource they open). With
that in mind I would recommend upgrading. That version of GeoServer is old
(so no active developers are available to help you). Part of how open
source works is both geoserver-devel and geoserver-user list collaborating
as the software is produced each year. If you are working with an older
version of GeoServer you can look into some options for commercial support
on our website.

You may also find that specific patterns of use load more raster data into
memory then you have provided. You can look at data optimisation (some
formats always need memory (jpeg) some formats give you flexibility to
control size vs memory use during data prep (geotiff). In a production
system it is smart to set up a watchdog script to monitor your Tomcat (or
Jetty) and restart it if necessary.


On Mon Dec 08 2014 at 4:55:43 AM Hakala Oiva (MTT) <oiva.hak...@mtt.fi>

>  Hi
>  Our Geoserver was, again, out of service. Version 2.3.1 on Ubuntu 12.04
> server. I found several Java heap space errors, similar as below. Heap size
> is alrady 512.
>  2014-12-05 12:05:44,042 ERROR [geoserver.ows] -
> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
>  Then this flushedPos error
>  2014-12-05 12:38:26,552 ERROR [geoserver.ows] -
> java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: pos < flushedPos!
>  And after restart this kind of warn and error. We have installed 2.3
> over 2.2 so may be somethin to do with that?
> 2014-12-08 13:46:30,655 WARN [geoserver.security] -
> /data/data_dir/security/config.xml.2.2.x could be removed manually
> 2014-12-08 13:46:31,288 ERROR [geoserver.security] - Error loading filter:
> guiException
>  In spite of my several notices, our sys admin still has java 7 (64-bit)
> on the server. Is that the reason for heap size errors
>  JVM Version     Oracle Corporation: 1.7.0_01 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit
> Server VM)
>  Geoserver is still using Jetty.
>  So, what to do to prevent those errors?
>  Oiva Hakala, MTT, Finland
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