Hi Sabine,
If that
TUR_us-florida016040_EOMAP_20140210T155619_LSAT8_m0030_32bit_cut.tif allows
to create an imageMosaic which raises that issue, you could create a JIRA
and attach both the sld, as well as that file so we can replicate the
problem, locally.
(in case more files are needed to replicate the issue, you could add a zip
files with them).

Hope this helps.

GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit
http://goo.gl/NWWaa2 for more information.

Ing. Daniele Romagnoli
Senior Software Engineer

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
55054  Massarosa (LU)
phone: +39 0584 962313
fax:      +39 0584 1660272




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On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 10:38 AM, Sabine Ohlendorf <sabine.ohlend...@gmx.de>

> Hi Daniele,
> Thank you for your answer!
> I tried to send you a sample image as email attachment but it failed. How
> can I provide you the data?
> Here is the coverage.xml and the output of gdalinfo:
> <coverage>
>   <id>CoverageInfoImpl--2eeda304:14ae451008d:-7ec6</id>
>   <name>florida</name>
>   <nativeName>florida</nativeName>
>   <namespace>
>     <id>NamespaceInfoImpl--33ad4a0f:13bb2c9158c:-7fff</id>
>   </namespace>
>   <title>florida</title>
>   <description>Generated from ImageMosaic</description>
>   <keywords>
>     <string>WCS</string>
>     <string>ImageMosaic</string>
>     <string>florida</string>
>   </keywords>
>   <nativeCRS>GEOGCS[&quot;WGS 84&quot;,
>   DATUM[&quot;World Geodetic System 1984&quot;,
>     SPHEROID[&quot;WGS 84&quot;, 6378137.0, 298.257223563,
> AUTHORITY[&quot;EPSG&quot;,&quot;7030&quot;]],
>     AUTHORITY[&quot;EPSG&quot;,&quot;6326&quot;]],
>   PRIMEM[&quot;Greenwich&quot;, 0.0,
> AUTHORITY[&quot;EPSG&quot;,&quot;8901&quot;]],
>   UNIT[&quot;degree&quot;, 0.017453292519943295],
>   AXIS[&quot;Geodetic longitude&quot;, EAST],
>   AXIS[&quot;Geodetic latitude&quot;, NORTH],
>   AUTHORITY[&quot;EPSG&quot;,&quot;4326&quot;]]</nativeCRS>
>   <srs>EPSG:4326</srs>
>   <nativeBoundingBox>
>     <minx>-82.0241060990124</minx>
>     <maxx>-80.474928725694</maxx>
>     <miny>28.2391995705372</miny>
>     <maxy>29.372215031235</maxy>
>     <crs>EPSG:4326</crs>
>   </nativeBoundingBox>
>   <latLonBoundingBox>
>     <minx>-82.0241060990124</minx>
>     <maxx>-80.474928725694</maxx>
>     <miny>28.2391995705372</miny>
>     <maxy>29.372215031235</maxy>
>     <crs>GEOGCS[&quot;WGS84(DD)&quot;,
>   DATUM[&quot;WGS84&quot;,
>     SPHEROID[&quot;WGS84&quot;, 6378137.0, 298.257223563]],
>   PRIMEM[&quot;Greenwich&quot;, 0.0],
>   UNIT[&quot;degree&quot;, 0.017453292519943295],
>   AXIS[&quot;Geodetic longitude&quot;, EAST],
>   AXIS[&quot;Geodetic latitude&quot;, NORTH]]</crs>
>   </latLonBoundingBox>
>   <projectionPolicy>REPROJECT_TO_DECLARED</projectionPolicy>
>   <enabled>true</enabled>
>   <metadata>
>     <entry key="time">
>       <dimensionInfo>
>         <enabled>true</enabled>
>         <presentation>LIST</presentation>
>         <units>ISO8601</units>
>         <defaultValue/>
>       </dimensionInfo>
>     </entry>
>     <entry key="cachingEnabled">false</entry>
>     <entry key="elevation">
>       <dimensionInfo>
>         <enabled>false</enabled>
>       </dimensionInfo>
>     </entry>
>     <entry key="dirName">florida_florida</entry>
>   </metadata>
>   <store class="coverageStore">
>     <id>CoverageStoreInfoImpl--2eeda304:14ae451008d:-7ec9</id>
>   </store>
>   <nativeFormat>ImageMosaic</nativeFormat>
>   <grid dimension="2">
>     <range>
>       <low>0 0</low>
>       <high>5286 3865</high>
>     </range>
>     <transform>
>       <scaleX>2.930717694510686E-4</scaleX>
>       <scaleY>-2.930717694510686E-4</scaleY>
>       <shearX>0.0</shearX>
>       <shearY>0.0</shearY>
>       <translateX>-82.02395956312768</translateX>
>       <translateY>29.372068495350277</translateY>
>     </transform>
>     <crs>EPSG:4326</crs>
>   </grid>
>   <supportedFormats>
>     <string>GEOTIFF</string>
>     <string>GIF</string>
>     <string>PNG</string>
>     <string>JPEG</string>
>     <string>TIFF</string>
>   </supportedFormats>
>   <interpolationMethods>
>     <string>bilinear</string>
>     <string>bicubic</string>
>   </interpolationMethods>
>   <defaultInterpolationMethod>nearest
> neighbour</defaultInterpolationMethod>
>   <dimensions>
>     <coverageDimension>
>       <name>GRAY_INDEX</name>
>       <description>GridSampleDimension[-Infinity,Infinity]</description>
>       <range>
>         <min>-inf</min>
>         <max>inf</max>
>       </range>
>       <dimensionType>
>         <name>REAL_32BITS</name>
>       </dimensionType>
>     </coverageDimension>
>   </dimensions>
>   <requestSRS>
>     <null/>
>   </requestSRS>
>   <parameters>
>     <entry>
>       <string>FootprintBehavior</string>
>       <string>None</string>
>     </entry>
>     <entry>
>       <string>MergeBehavior</string>
>       <string>FLAT</string>
>     </entry>
>     <entry>
>       <string>AllowMultithreading</string>
>       <string>false</string>
>     </entry>
>     <entry>
>       <string>Filter</string>
>       <null/>
>     </entry>
>     <entry>
>       <string>MaxAllowedTiles</string>
>       <string>-1</string>
>     </entry>
>     <entry>
>       <string>SORTING</string>
>       <null/>
>     </entry>
>     <entry>
>       <string>OutputTransparentColor</string>
>       <string></string>
>     </entry>
>     <entry>
>       <string>InputTransparentColor</string>
>       <string></string>
>     </entry>
>     <entry>
>       <string>SUGGESTED_TILE_SIZE</string>
>       <string>512,512</string>
>     </entry>
>     <entry>
>       <string>Accurate resolution computation</string>
>       <string>false</string>
>     </entry>
>     <entry>
>       <string>BackgroundValues</string>
>       <null/>
>     </entry>
>     <entry>
>       <string>USE_JAI_IMAGEREAD</string>
>       <string>true</string>
>     </entry>
>   </parameters>
>   <nativeCoverageName>florida</nativeCoverageName>
> ------------------------------------
> Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
> Files: TUR_us-florida016040_EOMAP_20140210T155619_LSAT8_m0030_32bit_cut.tif
> Size is 5286, 3866
> Coordinate System is:
> GEOGCS["WGS 84",
>     DATUM["WGS_1984",
>         SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
>             AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],
>         AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],
>     PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],
>     UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],
>     AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]
> Origin = (-82.024106099012357,29.372215031234983)
> Pixel Size = (0.000293071769451,-0.000293071769451)
> Metadata:
>   TIFFTAG_SOFTWARE=EWS Version 2.2.2 MIP: 2.2.328
>   TIFFTAG_DATETIME=2014:10:28 17:59:39
>   EOMAP_UUID=ce0b805c-5ec3-11e4-868a-4c72b9272832
> Image Structure Metadata:
> Corner Coordinates:
> Upper Left  ( -82.0241061,  29.3722150) ( 82d 1'26.78"W, 29d22'19.97"N)
> Lower Left  ( -82.0241061,  28.2391996) ( 82d 1'26.78"W, 28d14'21.12"N)
> Upper Right ( -80.4749287,  29.3722150) ( 80d28'29.74"W, 29d22'19.97"N)
> Lower Right ( -80.4749287,  28.2391996) ( 80d28'29.74"W, 28d14'21.12"N)
> Center      ( -81.2495174,  28.8057073) ( 81d14'58.26"W, 28d48'20.55"N)
> Band 1 Block=256x256 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Gray
> Kind regards,
> Sabine
> *Gesendet:* Donnerstag, 12. Februar 2015 um 10:04 Uhr
> *Von:* "Daniele Romagnoli" <daniele.romagn...@geo-solutions.it>
> *An:* "Sabine Ohlendorf" <sabine.ohlend...@gmx.de>
> *Cc:* "Geoserver Mailinglist" <geoserver-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
> *Betreff:* Re: [Geoserver-users] Imagemosaic with SLD not fully displayed
>    Hi Sabine,
> do you have any chance to share a minimal set of data to replicate the
> issue for debugging?
> Side questions:
> - Can you run a gdalinfo on one of your samples and provide us the output?
> - Can you also provide us the coverage configuration? (the coverage.xml.
> You can find it in the
> GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR/workspaces/yourworkspace/yourcoveragestore/yourcoverage/coverage.xml)
> Please, let us know.
> Best Regards,
> Daniele
>    ==
> GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit
> http://goo.gl/NWWaa2 for more information.
> ==
> Ing. Daniele Romagnoli
> Senior Software Engineer
> GeoSolutions S.A.S.
> Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
> 55054  Massarosa (LU)
> Italy
> phone: +39 0584 962313
> fax:      +39 0584 1660272
> http://www.geo-solutions.it
> http://twitter.com/geosolutions_it
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Le informazioni contenute in questo messaggio di posta elettronica e/o
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> The information in this message and/or attachments, is intended solely for
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> e-mail transmission, viruses, etc.
> On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 2:16 PM, Sabine Ohlendorf <sabine.ohlend...@gmx.de
> > wrote:
>>  Hi all,
>> I am using geoserver 2.6.1 and have a problem with SLDs:
>> I created a new style as SLD (see below). Furthermore I have an
>> imagemosaic layer with 32bit geotiffs where I put the created style as
>> default style in the WMS settings.
>> When I start the OpenLayers LayerPreview the style is used in general but
>> the problem is that values smaller 1 within the image are not displayed at
>> first. It is necessary to zoom in until a scale of 1:150K. Then the values
>> are displayed in the appropriate colors of the style.
>> Before I used geoserver 2.2.5 with the same setting and the same style
>> and it was workling without problems.
>> Kinrd regards,
>> Sabine
>> SLD:
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>> <sld:StyledLayerDescriptor xmlns:ogc="http://www.opengis.net/ogc";
>> xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"; xmlns:sld="
>> http://www.opengis.net/sld"; xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml";
>> xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"; version="1.0.0"
>> xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/sld
>> http://schemas.opengis.net/sld/1.0.0/StyledLayerDescriptor.xsd";>
>> <sld:NamedLayer xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/sld
>> "><sld:Name>4db8e899a3a245588c282af02e849433</sld:Name>
>> <sld:UserStyle><sld:Name>Style1</sld:Name>
>> <sld:Title>Water Mask</sld:Title>
>> <sld:Abstract/>
>> <sld:FeatureTypeStyle><sld:Name>Turbidity</sld:Name>
>> <sld:Title>Turbidity</sld:Title>
>> <sld:Abstract>;</sld:Abstract>
>> <sld:SemanticTypeIdentifier>generic:geometry</sld:SemanticTypeIdentifier>
>> <sld:Rule><sld:Name>Water Mask - </sld:Name>
>> <sld:Title>Water Mask - </sld:Title>
>> <sld:RasterSymbolizer><sld:ColorMap>
>> <sld:ColorMapEntry color="#808080" quantity="-6" opacity="0.0" label=""/>
>> <sld:ColorMapEntry color="#808080" quantity="-5" opacity="0.0" label=""/>
>> <sld:ColorMapEntry color="#808080" quantity="-4" opacity="0.0" label=""/>
>> <sld:ColorMapEntry color="#808080" quantity="-3" opacity="0.0" label=""/>
>> <sld:ColorMapEntry color="#808080" quantity="-2" opacity="0.0" label=""/>
>> <sld:ColorMapEntry color="#808080" quantity="-1" opacity="0.0" label=""/>
>> <sld:ColorMapEntry color="#808080" quantity="0" opacity="0.0" label=""/>
>> <sld:ColorMapEntry color="#190019" quantity="0.001" opacity="1.0"
>> label=""/>
>> <sld:ColorMapEntry color="#190019" quantity="0.1" opacity="1.0" label=""/>
>> <sld:ColorMapEntry color="#100059" quantity="0.124" opacity="1.0"
>> label=""/>
>> <sld:ColorMapEntry color="#0600A1" quantity="0.169" opacity="1.0"
>> label=""/>
>> <sld:ColorMapEntry color="#002ED2" quantity="0.229" opacity="1.0"
>> label=""/>
>> <sld:ColorMapEntry color="#0080E4" quantity="0.311" opacity="1.0"
>> label=""/>
>> <sld:ColorMapEntry color="#00B3EF" quantity="0.423" opacity="1.0"
>> label=""/>
>> <sld:ColorMapEntry color="#00E6FA" quantity="0.575" opacity="1.0"
>> label=""/>
>> <sld:ColorMapEntry color="#00F4CC" quantity="0.782" opacity="1.0"
>> label=""/>
>> <sld:ColorMapEntry color="#00DE66" quantity="1.063" opacity="1.0"
>> label=""/>
>> <sld:ColorMapEntry color="#00C800" quantity="1.445" opacity="1.0"
>> label=""/>
>> <sld:ColorMapEntry color="#66DE00" quantity="1.965" opacity="1.0"
>> label=""/>
>> <sld:ColorMapEntry color="#CCF400" quantity="2.671" opacity="1.0"
>> label=""/>
>> <sld:ColorMapEntry color="#FFCC00" quantity="3.631" opacity="1.0"
>> label=""/>
>> <sld:ColorMapEntry color="#FF6600" quantity="4.936" opacity="1.0"
>> label=""/>
>> <sld:ColorMapEntry color="#FF0000" quantity="6.709" opacity="1.0"
>> label=""/>
>> <sld:ColorMapEntry color="#CC0033" quantity="9.12" opacity="1.0"
>> label=""/>
>> <sld:ColorMapEntry color="#990066" quantity="12.397" opacity="1.0"
>> label=""/>
>> <sld:ColorMapEntry color="#990099" quantity="16.853" opacity="1.0"
>> label=""/>
>> <sld:ColorMapEntry color="#CC00CC" quantity="22.909" opacity="1.0"
>> label=""/>
>> <sld:ColorMapEntry color="#FF00FF" quantity="31.141" opacity="1.0"
>> label=""/>
>> <sld:ColorMapEntry color="#FF26FF" quantity="42.332" opacity="1.0"
>> label=""/>
>> <sld:ColorMapEntry color="#FF49FF" quantity="57.544" opacity="1.0"
>> label=""/>
>> <sld:ColorMapEntry color="#FF6AFF" quantity="78.223" opacity="1.0"
>> label=""/>
>> <sld:ColorMapEntry color="#FF8EFF" quantity="106.333" opacity="1.0"
>> label=""/>
>> <sld:ColorMapEntry color="#FFAFFF" quantity="144.544" opacity="1.0"
>> label=""/>
>> </sld:ColorMap>
>> </sld:RasterSymbolizer>
>> </sld:Rule>
>> </sld:FeatureTypeStyle>
>> </sld:UserStyle>
>> </sld:NamedLayer>
>> </sld:StyledLayerDescriptor>
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