On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 4:03 PM, Andrea Aime <andrea.a...@geo-solutions.it>

> On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 11:35 PM, Martin Davis <mtncl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Let me put it another way.  I'm proposing a way of giving the user the
>> ability to define how geometries are transformed on the DB side to make
>> them more efficient for WMS rendering (while still making the raw data
>> available for WFS).  The current PostGIS & DB2 simplify hacks are examples
>> of doing this in a hard-coded way.  But they're pretty limited.
> I believe you're not appreciating what GeoServer tries to be here. It's
> meant for end users, forcing people to write sql queries by hand in order
> to get
> the benefits of generalization is simply not acceptable, a checkbox is all
> that many users are willing/able to deal with.
> And I'm not saying that we should not care about developers that want to
> push the boundaries, we also want to reach there and improve
> over those cases of course (we would not have sql views to start with if
> we were not trying), but belittling the on the fly generalitation
> work as a hack is imho missing the point of what GeoServer tries to
> provide to the larger user base.

Hey, no offense intended.  It's great to make things easy for users.  I'm
just exploring how to get a bit more power into the hands of those who want

>> To do this more generally seems to require two things:
>> 1. allow specifying a SQL transformation expression to be invoked only
>> when the query is being made for WMS rendering
> What I proposed previously (the bbox thing) has no WMS specific
> limitations, and should still allow you to get what you want.

Hmmm.... not sure how this would support rendering transformed geometries,
but get the raw data when needed via a WFS or GetFeatureInfo query?

Or is this is supported by (a) adding an extra transformed geometry column
(say GEOM_TRANS) to the SQL View query and then referring to that column in
the SLD <Geometry> element?  If so then that seems like a good solution.

It would also be nice to be able to alter the transformation based on the
scale of the current query (as is done in the built-in simplify
functionality, via the distance value).  This might need some extra
built-in parameters being exposed for use in the SQLView query.

>> 2. this may require some special handling of the WMS spatial filter (as
>> provided by the %BBOX% parameter being discussed)
>> MapServer apparently allows this, because it lets the user specify the
>> entire query to be used.
> GeoServer does something similar with sql views, but it's more ambitious
> in the implementation in that it pushes
> more filters down into the db, not just the bbox, and it's not geared
> towards wms only, but any type of data access.
> You are having a problem with it because your sql view is creating a
> geometry on the fly, it's a case we
> don't cover efficiently now, but we can improve on it.

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