I can see three classes of errors in the log:
1) java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Resource named 'dim_bts_geo'
already exists in namespace: 'dw1'
Maybe some featuretype.xml files got duplicated somehow, so you end up
with two feature types with the same name in the same namespace.
WARN [catalog.impl] - Failed to load actual store for
WARN [org.geoserver] - Failed to load feature type 'd_bts_geo'
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Resource must be part of a store
Probably the store pointed by some featuretype.xml files no longer
exists, or the featuretype.xml files themselves have no <store> tag
3) Caused by: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect
Sorry, but this means that there is a connection problem to some
database (maybe you're using more than one?)...
As far as I can tell, your data directory is all messed up: probably the
best way to untangle this mess is to backup your data and start fresh,
with an empty data directory, and patiently re-create all stores and
layers / feture types. Or, if that sounds too brutal, you could at least
delete and re-create all stores / layers / feature types which are
causing exceptions (you can easily spot them in the file
Good luck :-)
Il giorno ven, 22/05/2015 alle 16.13 +0200, ELKHATTABI Imane ha scritto:
> 1- Postgresql connections details weren't change. Only me who's
> manipulting my computer. On the other hand , concerning what I just
> did (about generating another geoserver folder from war and replacing
> data repository with my previews one) , This has enabled me to start
> geoserver , and the data store is activated, which contains the same
> connection details . This probably means that they weren't changed.
> 2-When I checked the datastore.xml file (I Zipped it too) . It
> contains the same coonection details I defined in geoserver, and that
> reference the database I'm working with.
> 3- About the error Failed to load attribute list, internal error is:
> null. I checked the Postgresql service , but it's not shut down , it's
> still running.
Best regards,
Stefano Costa
Meet us at the INSPIRE Conference in Lisbon 25-29 May 2015! Visit
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Dott. Stefano Costa
Senior Software Engineer
GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
55054 Massarosa (LU)
phone: +39 0584 962313
fax: +39 0584 1660272
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