Hi all

I assume the problem is the encrypted postgis password. Each GeoServer
instance uses its own keys for encryption.

You have to edit the datastore xml file. Lets assume your postgis password
is "mypassword",  edit the following line.

<entry key="passwd">plain:mypassword</entry>

Restart GeoServer, open the GUI for editing the datastore and press
save. Now your password should be encrypted with the proper key. You
should see something like this:

<entry key="passwd">crypt1:I0tBkgH1/YtUojYZXHW7vxZ4e0c2Itxo</entry>

Thats it.



On Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 10:03 AM, Ismail, Mark <mark.ism...@knowsley.gov.uk>

>  I have a custom GeoServer work directory, when I upgrade a server I copy
> over the whole folder
> I.e. workspaces, coverages, styles etc  – I then set up my new GeoServer
> instance to point at it and it’s as if I have cloned GeoServer (except
> extension and plugins which are stored in the tomcat container)
> *Mark Ismail*
> *From:* Paulius Litvinas | InfoEra [mailto:paul...@infoera.lt]
> *Sent:* 02 July 2015 08:21
> *To:* geoserver-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> *Subject:* [Geoserver-users] Copy workspace to other geoserver instance
> Hello,
> Is there a way to copy workspace with it‘s store connection (postgis),
> layers and groups to other geoserver instance. I tried simply to copy
> workspace folder from data dir to other geoserver data dir but this didn‘t
> worked. After restarting geoserver new workspace only apears in list, but
> data connection and all layers and groups of it are missing.
> Maybe there is something I must do more?
> Sincerely,
> *Paulius Litvinas*
> GIS consultant
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> LT-08234 Vilnius, Lithuania
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> Tel. + 370 5 278 8456
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> paul...@infoera.lt
> www.infoera.lt
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