Do you have an image showing where you are at? I assume that you are
talking transparency where you have no features (to control feature
transparency use PolygonSymbolizer opacity).

You may wish to ask on the open layers list?

Jody Garnett

On 11 August 2015 at 12:10, Jair Santos <> wrote:

> Hello all,
> Is there anything that I have to set in geoserver to make a layer
> transparent?
> I’ve been trying several different settings in Openlayers but nothing
> works.
> new ol.layer.Image({
>     source: new ol.source.ImageWMS({
>       url: '',
>       params: { 'LAYERS': 'pzones' },
>      /* transparent:true,*/
>       projection: projection,
>         format: 'image/png',
>       serverType: 'geoserver'
>     },
>     {singleTile: true, ratio: 1,
>     isBaseLayer: false,
>     Opacity: 0.5} )
>   }),
> Thanks.
> JJ
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