We've run some DB logging on the map requests.

One of the causes of the slowdown for no schema is this query:

SELECT NULL AS table_cat,
       o.owner AS table_schem,
       o.object_name AS table_name,
       o.object_type AS table_type,
       NULL AS remarks
  FROM all_objects o
  WHERE o.owner LIKE :1 ESCAPE '/'
    AND o.object_name LIKE :2 ESCAPE '/'
    AND o.object_type IN ('xxx', 'TABLE', 'VIEW', 'SYNONYM')
  ORDER BY table_type, table_schem, table_name

If no owner is specified this returns 38K rows, as opposed to about 240
when owner is given.

I'm not totally sure what this is doing, but I suspect checking for Primary
Key info?

And why is this being run on each MapRequest ?

Funnily, we have 2.6.3 running in a different setup, and it doesn't seem to
be issuing any of these queries - just the data query. I can't see any
config difference that would cause this.

Any ideas?

On Tue, Sep 1, 2015 at 12:46 PM, Martin Davis <mtncl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> An update on this issue.
> As Andrea predicted, using a JNDI connection made no difference to the
> performance issue (no schema still substantially slower than using a
> schema).
> On Fri, Jul 31, 2015 at 10:02 AM, Martin Davis <mtncl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks, Andrea.
>> We're using GeoServer 2.6.0
>> The performance issue occurs for map requests - so wouldn't this be
>> something different to the issue with slow metadata loading (The metadata
>> retrieval is an issue we've seen as well, but it only hurts the admin, not
>> the users, so we're less caring about that  8^).
>> We'll probably try using a JNDI pool and see whether that helps at all.
>> If so, we may just use that approach.  If not, we'll be looking for a code
>> fix - which we can likely get funded and contribute back.
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