Dear Brian,
You could consider using an ImageMosaic coverageStore of NetCDF file(s).
At the moment it's the only format implementing the *harvest* method (which
is invoked when you send a REST update request similarly to what you did).
Harvest allows to add new granules to the collection or update existing
Moreover, when the underlying NetCDF Reader (involved by ImageMosaic)
notices that a file has been updated, it also does a reset of its internal
If my memory serves me right, some users already used this approach for
time-growing NetCDFs.

That being said (in order to answer your questions):
1) you can take a look here:
the XPOST commands
2) yes, using imageMosaic. From a "pure NetCDF coverageStore" point of
view, the harvest method isn't implemented yet so the NetCDF reader should
be reinit (GeoServer cache cleanup is probably needed).
3) coverageStore is the right one.

Hope this helps.

On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 12:16 AM, Brian Farrell <>

> I'm attempting to use the REST API to update an existing netCDF data store
> without any success.
> For a bit of background: my group has built a system to harvest data from
> various sources on an hourly basis and put it all in a netCDF file. We hope
> to be able to update the existing data store rather than creating a new one
> with every update.
> This is my current curl command:
> curl -v -u username:password -XPUT -H “Content-Type: text/plain” -d
> "file///"
> The error I get back is "Error while storing uploaded file::Unable to
> delete file: /path/to/file/replacement_testing.netcdf* Closing connection
> 1" I've checked, and the chmod of that file is 777.
> Here are some questions I've been developing:
> 1) Is the curl command correct?
> 2) Does Geoserver 2.7.2 (with netCDF and netCDF output extensions) support
> updating netCDF files? If no, is there information about what needs to be
> implemented to build this functionality?
> 3) Is the curl command using the correct interface (should it be
> datastores instead of coveragestores)? If it should be using datastores,
> then the answer to 2) is likely "no", since that error message states:
> "Unsupported format: netcdf* Closing connection 1"
> Thanks,
> Brian
> --
> Brian Farrell
> Project Associate
> Center for Geospatial Information Technology
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