W dniu 01.10.2015 o 12:04, Andrea Aime pisze:
> On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 11:52 AM, Maciej Filocha <m.filo...@icm.edu.pl
> <mailto:m.filo...@icm.edu.pl>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     I'm using windbarbs with following definition:
> <WellKnownName>windbarbs://default(<ogc:PropertyName>speed</ogc:PropertyName>)[m/s]</WellKnownName>
>     Everything works as expected except the "Preview legend" command that
>     throws an error:
>     ERROR [wicket.RequestCycle] - The specified mark
>     strConcat([strConcat([windbarbs://default(], [speed])], [)[m/s]]) was
>     not found!
>     Any ideas?
> Simple, in the preview we have no values for the speed attribute, so no
> mark can be generated (there, and in
> GetLegendGraphics). We'd need some way to specify default values, but
> it's not so easy...
> something like "if_the_else(isNull(speed),10,speed)" should do the
> trick, but as OGC expression it's a bit
> long winded... I don't remember if we allow using ${...} expression in
> well known mark, but you can give it a
> try:
> <WellKnownName>windbarbs://default(${if_the_else(isNull(speed),10,speed)})[m/s]</WellKnownName>

After changing "if_the_else" to "if_then_else", I got:

2015-10-01 10:17:06,196 ERROR [wicket.RequestCycle] - Filter Function 
problem for function strConcat argument #0 - expected type String
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Filter Function problem for function 
strConcat argument #0 - expected type String

Anyway, I can live without legend preview...


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