Hello Jacob,

We do not have any active volunteers making use of weblogic, so big secret
is to test the release candidate - you are a valued member of our team and
we need your help making each release a success.

We have had two big changes that you may be hitting:
- XSD files can no longer be loaded from file references,
- Loading configuration (from the data directory or rest api) is restricted
to classes that have been "whitelisted"

Jukka has provided some sensible steps to start out with, I would also ask
you to manually change the logging level (in global.xml) to
VERBOSE_LOGGING.properties and then restart GeoServer.

Aside: glad you caught the note about including oracle JDBC driver,
although I am used to web logic configurations using JNDI.

Once we have you working again I would like to ask you to update the
WebLogic 8.1 documentation you found.

Jody Garnett

On 7 October 2015 at 09:24, Jacob Overgaard Madsen <u2ja...@gmail.com>

> Hi list
> I really hope, that I can get some help here, because I'm on the verge of
> giving up. I currently administer a production Geoserver instance, which
> currently runs Geoserver 2.6.2. The operating system is Windows 2008 R2
> x64, and it's installed with the Windows installer with the default Jetty,
> installed as a Windows service, and runs on JRE 1.7.0_71 x86. This server
> runs fine. The data is almost 100% based on Oracle Spatial data, where I
> use the Oracle NG connection. My setup is quite large – 6000 layers, 300
> stores and 300 workspaces currently and growing.
> But due to recent improvements in the new version 2.8.0 regarding Oracle
> connections, I need to update this server to the new 2.8.0. But every
> attempt I've made so far to do this has failed. I have always – so far –
> been able to upgrade Geoserver by simply installing the new version,
> pointing it to the existing data directory during installation, choosing
> the same port and JRE as the previous version, and that's it. But not this
> time. When I install 2.8.0 with the Windows installer, as I've always done,
> the Windows service is created etc. But the service will never listen to
> port 8080 (or any other port). A closer inspection of the Geoserver log
> file reveals, that the line indicating successful start of the port
> listener:
> "Started SelectChannelConnector@" (taken from 2.6.2 log file)
> never appears in the log file. The server simply stops loading before
> reaching this point without any useful information about what's wrong in
> the log file. I have of course added the Oracle NG JAR and Oracle JDBC
> driver as always.
> I have played around with various memory related settings in wrapper.conf,
> like I did with 2.6.2, but nothing seems to make the server start
> correctly. I have also tried installing the server without the Windows
> service – ie. having to start the server with startup.bat and shutdown.bat.
> This doesn't seem to work neither. The server still loads the configuration
> from the data directory, until it simply stops and never starts the
> listening interface. Up until that point, the log file from 2.8.0 looks
> exactly like the log file from 2.6.2 – ie all data stores etc. seems to
> load correctly, and I can see the connections to the database being
> established by running a netstat. But the server never listens on any port.
> My wrapper.conf settings from 2.6.2 are here:
> # Java Additional Parameters
> wrapper.java.additional.1=-Djetty.home=.
> wrapper.java.additional.2=-DGEOSERVER_DATA_DIR="%GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR%"
> wrapper.java.additional.3=-XX:MaxPermSize=1024m
> wrapper.java.additional.4=-Xmx3072M
> wrapper.java.additional.5=-Xms3072m
> # Initial Java Heap Size (in MB)
> wrapper.java.initmemory=512
> # Maximum Java Heap Size (in MB)
> wrapper.java.maxmemory=512
> As I at some point made the assumption, that this had something to do with
> some kind of increased memory usage in 2.8.0, I figured, that I could try
> making Geoserver 2.8.0 run under Weblogic 10.3.6, which we also have.
> Running it under Weblogic would make it possible for me to run it as a
> 64-bit Windows service.
> But this fails also. I have deployed by unpacking the Geoserver WAR file
> and want to get Geoserver running with the default data stores in the first
> place. But even this fails. Geoserver crashes with this error in the log:
> org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating
> bean with name 'webDispatcherMapping' defined in URL
> [zip:C:/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/ClassicDomain/servers/AdminServer/tmp/_WL_user/geoserver/m2k7gc/war/WEB-INF/lib/gs-web-core-2.8.0.jar!/applicationContext.xml]:
> Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is
> org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No bean
> named '#{webDispatcherMappingSystem}' is defined  at
> org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.doCreateBean(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:480)
> followed by a long stack trace.
> I have not been able to find any useful information about this error. In
> general, the information on how to deploy Geoserver in Weblogic is
> extremely sparse – some of it dates back to Weblogic 8.1 and is not very
> useful.
> - Can somebody shed some light on what's going on here?
> - What has changed so badly in 2.8.x compared to 2.6.x, that I no longer
> can load my configuration under Jetty with the existing data directory?
> - What does the error under Weblogic mean? Why can the bean
> "webDispatcherMappingSystem" not be loaded?
> I just hope, that someone can help me get Geoserver 2.8.0 running either
> under Jetty + JRE7 x86 + Windows service or under Weblogic.
> Thanks in advance,
> Jacob Madsen
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