
I have never tried that and you can test it as easily as I could be configuring 
such a layer into GWC and following what appears into the 
Geoserver/Jetty/Tomcat logs. However, I would be surprised if it will be 
anything else than GetMaps with &LAYERS=layer1,layer2,layer3

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Chris Brown wrote:

Thanks Rahkonen, I will also look into that, I had thought this was not 
possible with GeoWebCache. Do you know if GWC is getting each layer separately 
and joining the images or it's using LAYERS=layer1,layer2,layer3 in the WMS 

On 12 November 2015 at 20:06, Rahkonen Jukka (MML) 

I don’t know your use case but perhaps you could build the group on GeoWebCache 
side by defining the layers which you want to use together in geowebcach.xml – 

<wmsLayers>layer1,layer2,layer3t</wmsLayers> <!-- layer names as known by your 
wms -->

–Jukka Rahkonen-

Chris Brown wrote:

Ciao Simone,

Sorry for being slow to response. We implemented a work around where by we 
stopped using layer groups and instead just listed the layers in the LAYERS 
argument of our WMS request, but then realized that we can't us GeoWebCache 
when doing that.

I've come back and tried to isolate this bug and find some repeatable steps. 
Here they are:

Sorry for the delay with coming back on this. I've managed to isolate this bug 
and make it easily repeatable with a standard setup.

Here's the setup:

GeoServer 1: Clean install running 2.8, in it's own Tomcat container, running 
JMS-Cluster with default settings.

GeoServer 2: Clean install running 2.8, in it's own Tomcat container, running 
JMS-Cluster with default settings.

Both GeoServer's are sharing the same data directory.

Steps to repeat:

1. GeoServer 1, create new layer group. Use the "sf" workspace and the 
"streams" layer
2. On GeoServer 1 go to layer preview and open the group layer in OpenLayers, 
it displays as expected
3. Refresh GeoServer 2, we can now see the new layer group as expected
4. On GeoServer 2 go to the layer preview and open the new group layer in 
5. We are returned a NullPointerException as an XML response. The same error is 
show in the GeoServer2 logs.

Attempts to resolve:

1. Tried using 2.7
2. Tried using external ActiveMQ Broker
3. Tried using Master / Slave setup.
4. Tried using individual data directories for each GeoServer instead of shared.

None of the above worked. I've also posted this information to the bug report. 
So it seems layer groups don't work when using JMS Clustering in versions 2.7 
or 2.8 (haven't tried others).

When you have time, could you please check if you see the same thing when 
repeating the same steps as me?



On 22 October 2015 at 23:36, Simone Giannecchini 
Ciao Chris,
see my message on the JIRA report.
I have tested on master and it worked for me. We might need more info.

Simone Giannecchini
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On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 10:25 AM, Chris Brown 
<ch...@mangomap.com<mailto:ch...@mangomap.com>> wrote:
Thanks Andrea, I've added a new bug report here - 



On 22 October 2015 at 15:03, Andrea Aime 
<andrea.a...@geo-solutions.it<mailto:andrea.a...@geo-solutions.it>> wrote:
On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 10:01 AM, Chris Brown 
<ch...@mangomap.com<mailto:ch...@mangomap.com>> wrote:
Hi Andrea,

Thanks Andrea. That's definitely not the case this time, we're using a UUID for 
both the layer and group name. We're using GeoServer 2.7.2.

In that case the issue is unknown, can you report it with a step by step way to 
reproduce it (best if against the default data dir)?


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http://goo.gl/it488V for more information.

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Chris Brown



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