I'm trying to enable NetCDF compression via the NetCDF Output plugin in 
GeoServer 2.8.1.  I have set a compression value (5) in both the individual 
layer settings as well as the global settings; however, all WCS 2.0.1 
NetCDF4-Classic responses appear to be the uncompressed file size.

I believe I have verified that they are uncompressed by running the following 
`ncdump -h -s <netcdf file> | grep DeflateLevel`

Sample files which are known to be compressed respond with their compression 
level, but the GeoServer responses do not display anything.

Is there a step I could be missing to enable compression?  Has anyone else 
gotten this working?


Kevin M. Weiss
Software Engineer
Critical Networks / HARRIS CORPORATION
harris.com<http://www.harris.com/>  / kevin.we...@harris.com

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