Dear Danielle and Peter-

Thank you for the helpful tips! The lead on the XML indexer is going to be
critical, because we have NetCDF files with several atmospheric variables
(RAP model output) encapsulated in a single file per time step.

I think the main answer to my question comes from Danielle -- the mosaic
dir needs to be under the GeoServer data dir, and contain the necessary
properties files to identify it as a mosaic. I take it that GeoServer will
'discover' that directory and use said properties files to find the raster
files, if their location is different from the location of the mosaic dir?
Does that sound correct? There is no place in GeoServer where it's
necessary to specify the path to my mosaic dir containing the properties

I'll go about trying to debug what I've mis-configured that's prevented my
mosaic dir from being 'discovered!'

Thank you so much for your help.

On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 6:11 AM, Daniele Romagnoli <> wrote:

> Hi Padhrig,
> which type of data are you serving? (GeoTiffs, NetCDF, ...?)
> If you are serving different geophysical parameters / variables from the
> same store (as an instance, temperature, pressure, humidity,...) , the
> indexer.xml approach suggested by Peter may better fit your needs since it
> allows to specify multiple schema, coverages, domains.
> If you are instead serving single variable time series,
> should be enough.
> Please, see also my notes below:
> On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 5:10 PM, Padhrig Mccarthy <> wrote:
>> Hi-
>> I am a novice GeoServer user, and I am tasked with setting up multiple
>> timeseries ImageMosaics for our project. I have a MOSAIC_DIR set up and
>> configured according to the tutorial at
>> .
>> Based on information in that tutorial, it seems MOSAIC_DIR can be
>> anywhere on our system. However, when I go to create the ImageMosaic data
>> store in GeoServer,
>> all of the configuration seems to use relative paths from MOSAIC_DIR.
> What do you mean?
>> How do I tell GeoServer where my MOSAIC_DIR is? Or do I need to place
>> MOSAIC_DIR in some location where GeoServer expects it? Alternatively, do I
>> need to define MOSAIC_DIR env var for the user running the tomcat
>> container? I have tried this last option, yet still have no joy.
> The MOSAIC_DIR referred in that tutorial is simply a placemark, a
> reference name to identify a place where the mosaic configuration will be
> setup (as an instance /data/mymosaic) as well as the folder to be used when
> configuring the ImageMosaic coverage store (the URL connection parameter).
> That folder should contain properties files as reported in the tutorial.
> Usually that folder also contain granules (raster files) to be mosaicked.
> However, there is also support for separate locations for the raster data.
> Suppose you have a read only folder with huge amount of data that you
> won't copy somewhere else, as an instance /mnt/storage/myrasterdata.
> So, you can configure the Mosaic on your MOSAIC_DIR (again, as an
> instance: /data/mymosaic) and instruct the mosaic to look for raster files
> on a different location by adding
> an "IndexingDirectories" parameter to your indexer file specifying
> /mnt/storage/myrasterdata as value.
> Does it helps?
> Please, let us know.
> Cheers,
> Daniele
>> Thank you in advance for any hints.
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