Those sound like small tiffs so you would be better combining them together
to avoid opening too many files at a time. Have a look at gdalbuildvrt to
make a virtual raster catalogue that you can then convert into a tiled
compressed geotiff that is in your main output projection.

Have a read through the annual "GeoServer on Steroids" presentation  ( )
for more ideas.#


On 17 March 2016 at 09:51, Max <> wrote:

> I have a large number - more than 60 thousand - of relatively small
> Geotiffs, usually from 2 to 12 Mb. I have a web client that uses
> Leaflet to view them, but things are quite slow even inside our own
> network. I have a hunch that both Geoserver and these Geotiffs are not
> configured in the best way possible.
> The tiffs were generated from a bunch of EPSG:3035 Ascii grid files
> using this command:
> for f in *.rsl; do gdal_translate -a_srs EPSG:3035  -co "TILED=YES"
> -co  "BLOCKXSIZE=512" -co "BLOCKYSIZE=512" -co "COMPRESS=DEFLATE" -co
> "ZLEVEL=9" -co "BIGTIFF=YES" $f $f.tif; done
> Then I wrote a Python script that created a store and a layer for each
> of the tiffs.
> Here is the output from gdalinfo for a typical one:
> Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
> Files: se502c_R9_C1_3_T_2531_sec.rsl.tif
> Size is 3396, 2271
> Coordinate System is:
> PROJCS["ETRS89 / LAEA Europe",
>     GEOGCS["ETRS89",
>         DATUM["European_Terrestrial_Reference_System_1989",
>             SPHEROID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.2572221010002,
>                 AUTHORITY["EPSG","7019"]],
>         TOWGS84[0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
>         AUTHORITY["EPSG","6258"]],
>     PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],
>     UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],
>     AUTHORITY["EPSG","4258"]],
>     PROJECTION["Lambert_Azimuthal_Equal_Area"],
>     PARAMETER["latitude_of_center",52],
>     PARAMETER["longitude_of_center",10],
>     PARAMETER["false_easting",4321000],
>     PARAMETER["false_northing",3210000],
> As you can see they are EPSG:3035. They should be internally tiled. In
> the Coordinate Reference Systems for Geoserver, it says that both
> Native SRS and Declared SRS are EPSG:3035, and that the handling
> should be to reproject native to declared.
> My web client overlays these Geotiffs on a standard OpenStreetMap
> layer in Web Mercator. All the geotiffs we have tried appear
> correctly, so I guess reprojection is still happening at some stage.
> My gut feeling is that I might gain some speed by reprojecting the
> original Geotiffs to Web Mercator, or at least changing the declared
> SRS to Web Mercator in Geoserver. Not keen on it, it's going to take
> days. What other properties of the Geotiffs could I tinker with?
> Would caching with GeoWebCache help, given the file size?
> Bonus question - if a Geotiff is changed, by reprojecting or retiling
> or what have you, does the Geoserver layer associated with it get
> invalidated? It took days to create them all.
> I'd really appreciate your feeback.
> Thanks in advance,
> Max
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