On Tue, May 31, 2016 at 11:06 PM, Ben Caradoc-Davies <b...@transient.nz>

> On 01/06/16 00:26, Daniele Romagnoli wrote:
>> On Tue, May 31, 2016 at 4:25 AM, Ben Caradoc-Davies <b...@transient.nz>
>> wrote:
>>> In a nutshell: should elevation variables that are *internal* to each
>>> granule be indexed? Is this supported? If so, is indexer configuration
>>> required? Why would the granule index need to know?
>> I would say yes. In the past we have worked with NetCDF containing sigma
>> levels, exposing them as sigma dimension, similarly to what you did.
>> If my memory serves me right, when having issues with custom dimensions
>> the
>> problem was related to the axisType not being declared but I should double
>> check.
>> Would this help?
> Yes, please.
> - When using a custom dimension like sigma, should it be specified in the
> indexer.xml?
Yes. each domain/dimension involved in your mosaic should be declared.

> - If an indexer dimension for sigma is required, what form should it take?

You should declare it in the <domains> section.
As an instance
   <domain name="sigma">  <!-- See Note1 -->
      <attributes><attribute>sigma</attribute></attributes> <!-- See Note2

Note1: you can put any name you want here. It will represent the dimension
exposed in GeoServer.
Note2: the attribute here should match the real dimension name on the
underlying NetCDF dataset.

> - Does sigma need an entry in the granule schema in indexer.xml?
Your <coverage> should refer that sigma domain as well as include a column
in the schema
      ....  time?
      <domain ref="sigma" />
    <schema name="u-component_of_wind_sigma" >
        <attributes>.........., sigma: java.lang.Float</attributes> <!--
See Note 3 -->

Note 3: the attribute in the schema should match the attribute of the
previously declared domain.

Note that imageMosaic has its own indexer. NetCDFs are multidimensional
datasets so they also have a similar indexer to catalog NetCDF sections
into a (by default) H2 hidden DB. That inner indexer is generated on the
fly OR you can define it once (in case all NetCDF has same structure) and
declare it in the imageMosaic indexer.xml

How your NetCDF indexer file looks like?
Some months ago I have developed an experimental tool
which may help in setting up the indexers:

*java -jar CreateIndexer.jar /path/to/a/sample.nc <http://sample.nc> -p

on netcdf.projections.properties.

It will create both the ImageMosaic indexer.xml and the NetCDF indexer for
a sample.nc file of a collection of NetCDF files with same structure. You
can take a look on the produced results and customize them if needed.
As I said, that tool is still experimental and it can be surely improved or
may throws errors on some untested datasets.

> - How did you overcome sigma not having a recognised axisType?

If my memory serves me right the data producer fixed their coordinate
variables but I'm not pretty sure about this since it was the past year.
Let's see if the previous suggestions allows you to get them work.
Otherwise, you may consider sharing a sample or do some debug on the low
level readers to check if that's the case.


> Kind regards,
> --
> Ben Caradoc-Davies <b...@transient.nz>
> Director
> Transient Software Limited <http://transient.nz/>
> New Zealand

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