Support for multivalued xlink:href ClientProperty in GeoServer 
app-schema has now been implemented and has been applied to master, 
2.9.x, and 2.8.x (so will appear in nightly builds). This change will be 
included in 2.9.1 (scheduled for this week) and 2.8.5 (scheduled for the 
week of 18 August).

[GEOT-5469] Support multivalued xlink:href ClientProperty

Kind regards,

On 29/10/15 05:56, Jorge Samuel Mendes de Jesus wrote:
> Hi Stefano
> Thank you for the information, I will give a look at your suggestion and
> try to implemented
> Do you think that using a more recent version of geotools/geoserver
> would help? My geoserver
>   *
>     Build Information
>       o Version 2.7.3
>       o Git Revision 57a0fbdda904e8756f77276bb0b3580ea282447b
>       o Build Date 19-Oct-2015 21:39
>       o GeoTools Version 13.3 (rev
>         ee82a17317125911d1db6ec2fe5b333a0c1298e1)
>       o GeoWebCache Version 1.7.3 (rev
> a09f77d3b14d4bbcee3feb407fd2d8ea2cf62d64/a09f77d3b14d4bbcee3feb407fd2d8ea2cf62d64)
> All the best
> Jorge
> On 28-10-15 17:37, Stefano Costa wrote:
>> Hi Jorge,
>> you are confirming a misbehavior I reported to the geotools-devel list
>> about a month ago:
>> I have not had time to try and fix it yet, as the fix doesn't seem
>> trivial (at least to my limited knowledge).
>> In the meantime, you could try splitting your denormalized table in
>> two, one for profiles and one for profile layers, and then join them
>> via Feature Chaining
>> <>.
>> Let me know if you need further help setting this up.
>> On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 4:53 PM, Jorge Samuel Mendes de Jesus
>> < <>> wrote:
>>     Hi
>>     Me again :) I am having a problem with multivalue properties in
>>     ClientPropery my application schema mapping
>>     Geoserver: 2.7.3
>>     Postigis: 9.3
>>     OS: Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS
>>     My DB table is as follows
>>     profile_id;profile_layer_id;upper_depth
>>     45101;77583;0
>>     45101;77584;4
>>     45101;77585;25
>>     So 1  profile_id   * multiple profile_layers_is.  I need to map
>>     them in
>>     something like this
>>     <soil:SO_Soil gml:id="soil.so_soil.45101">
>>         <soil:soHorizon xlink:title='foo' xlink:href=77583>
>>        <soil:soHorizon xlink:title='foo' xlink:href=77584>
>>     <soil:soHorizon xlink:title='foo' xlink:href=77585>
>>     </soil:SO_Soil>
>>     But I am only getting 1 soHorizon
>>     <soil:SO_Soil gml:id="soil.so_soil.45101">
>>         <soil:soHorizon xlink:href=77585>
>>     </soil:SO_Soil>
>>     Current mapping
>>          <AttributeMapping>
>>                           <isDenormalised>true</isDenormalised>
>>                             <encodeIfEmpty>true</encodeIfEmpty>
>>                              <isMultiple>true</isMultiple>
>>      <targetAttribute>soil:soHorizon</targetAttribute>
>>                                <ClientProperty>
>>                                                     <name>xlink:ref</name>
>>     <value>profile_layer_id</value>
>>                                     </ClientProperty>
>>                              </AttributeMapping>
>>     I only get the last value of the table xlink:href=77585 if I set the
>>     isMultiple (false) I get the first one (I undestand this part)
>>     The full mapping is here:
>>     I found the same problem in this tutorial:
>>     (check line in red in the middle)
>>     I am a bit lost, any tips ?
>>     Cheers
>>     Jorge
>>     --
>>     ISRIC - World Soil Information
>>     Post: PO box 353, 6700 AJ, Wageningen,
>>     The Netherlands Visiting Address: Droevendaalsesteeg 3, 6708 PB
>>     Wageningen (Bdg. 101),
>>     Office: C.013
>>     Office Phone: +31 (0) 317 4 83715
>>     <tel:%2B31%20%280%29%20317%204%2083715>
>>     Mobile Phone: +31 (0) 613 9 06950
>>     <tel:%2B31%20%280%29%20613%209%2006950>
>>     Skype: (Jorge Samuel Mendes de Jesus)
>>     OpenPGPKey: 0xA3D0065A
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>> --
>> Best regards, Stefano Costa == GeoServer Professional Services from
>> the experts! Visit for more information. == Dott.
>> Stefano Costa Senior Software Engineer GeoSolutions S.A.S. Via Poggio
>> alle Viti 1187 55054 Massarosa (LU) Italy phone: +39 0584 962313 fax:
>> +39 0584 1660272
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